或许痛但却是快乐的 中国的咨询师们需要在交流中进步

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CMC认证结束了,但我相信,不仅仅是我,包括此次认证的考核者、参与考核者,还有组织者,在一段时间里都被这次认证的很多事情萦绕着:有感悟、有反思,也有呼吁和建议。毕竟,这是中国的首批国际注册管理咨询师认证。作为唯一全程跟踪此次认证的媒体代表,我既没有被考者的压力,也没有考核者的责任,相对轻松的状态让我看到了更多的东西——此次认证是中国管理咨询界一次难得的交流机会:考生们,把以往“机密”的案例与同行分享;考官们,了解到中国管理咨询业真实的状况;而我,中国管理咨询业第一本专刊的记者,可以更多地获取那些有价值的信息。在与主考官Roels和刘圣烈先生的交谈中,我知道了国外CMC的相关情况,并了解到国外咨询行业媒体的状况与合作的可能;在与广东中咨联管理顾问有限公司总裁杨思卓的交流中,我们注意到了南北咨询公司的差异并试图去寻找答案;在与管理咨询委员会赵天乐秘书长的交流中,我看到了中国咨询行业的规范和健康发展已然拉开序幕。记得刘圣烈先生离开北京前在首都机场给我打过一个电话,在谈到对此次认证考生们的看法时,说了一句“反思不够”。而我并不这样认为。在本期稿件的编辑过程中,许多参加认证的咨询师们,都热情地向本刊阐述了他们的观点,有的一谈就是几十分钟甚至一两个小时。我为? CMC certification is over, but I believe, not only me, including the assessment of the examiners, participants and organizers, many of the things that have been certified for a period of time are haunting: perception, there Reflections, there are appeals and suggestions. After all, this is China’s first batch of international registered management consultants certification. As the only media representative tracking this certification, I have neither the pressure nor the responsibility of the examiner. The relatively relaxed status shows me more - the certification is one time in China’s management consulting community A rare exchange opportunity: Candidates share their past “confidential” cases with their peers. Examiners know the real situation of China’s management consulting industry. And I, the reporter of the first special issue of China’s management consulting industry, can learn more Get those valuable information. During my conversations with the examiners Roels and Mr. Liu Shengli, I knew about CMC abroad and learned about the status of media in foreign consulting industry and the possibility of cooperation. In the exchange with Yang Szeto, President of Guangdong Zhonglianlian Management Consultants Co., Ltd. , We noticed the differences between South and North consultants and tried to find the answers. During the exchange with Secretary General Zhao Tianle of the Management Advisory Committee, I saw that the norms and healthy development of China’s consultancy industry were already beginning. I remember before leaving Beijing, Mr. Liu Shenglie called me at Capital Airport. When talking about the opinions of the candidates, he said that “there is not enough reflection.” And I do not think so. During the editing of this manuscript, many attending certified consultants enthusiastically explained their views to this magazine. Some of them are just tens of minutes or even an hour or two. I am?
瓶、 瑚酝 瓒美 圄饿破(锖量) 煤 (储’量)石油(储量y 铜 (虚量)始、锌(奁量) 泶 (虚量) 镤、 佥 舶4,500百蓠嘲33,000德颐 ·86德嘲103,000嘲(1938) 10蒿噘(1947) 500嘲菱镁
珠宝设计师的想象力无所不在,无论在作品的题材上,或者是在作品的造型上,还是不断探索使用不为人知却令人为之惊诧的材料方面,都可见一斑。 The designer’s imagination is
背景和目的:  胶质瘤是最常见的中枢神经系统的恶性原发肿瘤,具有很高的侵袭性。在成人和儿童中,胶质瘤均能占到中枢神经系统肿瘤的三分之一。根据WHO分级,胶质瘤可以分为低级
程灿(成灿),1979年出生于河南。现为中央美术学院中国画学院山水画专业在读艺术学硕士,北京市朝阳书画院画师、北京市台湖国画院专职画家,北京市华夏诗联书画艺术研究院研究员、中央美术学院陈平先生山水绘画语言班助教,中国国画家协会理事。多次在国内外举办画展,作品并发表于多家报刊,出版有《成灿画集》《成灿山水写生集》。  陈平:初识成灿,是我刚回到中央美院执教山水的第二年。那时她在国画系学习花鸟,见其所