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近年,全国各地劳教系统紧紧围绕《劳教戒毒基本模式》(试行)的试点和推广,把戒毒工作放在劳教事业发展的总体规划中去考虑,放在全社会禁毒工作的全局中去谋划。本着科学的态度,从实际出发,加强组织领导和管理。真正做到认识到位,领导到位,措施到位,责任到位,把劳教戒毒工作向前推进了一大步。在总结经验的基础上,劳教系统主管部门司法部将对《劳教戒毒基本模式》(试行)进行修改、完善、提高,并在适当时机以部门规定的形式下发。本期刊登《劳教戒毒基本模式》(试行),供其他系统戒毒机构学习参考,只要以科学的态度,加强领导、加强管理,戒毒工作就一定能健康持续发展。同时在经验交流栏目发表5篇“在全国劳教系统劳教戒毒、艾滋病及结核工作会议”上的交流材料。劳教制度在我国已运行50年,据新闻报道,我国年内劳教人员这一称呼可能会被一个新名字“违法行为矫治对象”所代替,其相应法律已列入人大今年立法计划,这将更有利于劳教戒毒模式的改革和创新。 In recent years, the system of re-education through labor in all parts of the country has been focusing on the pilot project of “Basic Patterns of Re-education through Drug Abusement” (for Trial Implementation) and has put drug treatment work in the overall planning for the development of the re-education through labor issue and put it in the overall situation of anti-drug work in the entire society. In a scientific manner, proceed from reality, and strengthen organizational leadership and management. We must truly recognize that the leadership is in place, the measures are put in place, and the responsibility is in place. The labor and drug rehabilitation work has taken a big step forward. On the basis of summing up experience, the Ministry of Justice, the competent department of the labor camp system, will revise, improve and raise the basic mode of detention for education and rehabilitation (trial implementation) and issue them in the form of departmental rules and regulations at the appropriate time. This issue of the “basic model of drug abuse reeducation through labor” (for trial implementation) is for reference by other system drug treatment agencies. Only with a scientific attitude can we strengthen leadership and strengthen management so that drug rehabilitation work will surely develop healthily and sustainably. At the same time, he published 5 articles on exchange of experience in the reeducation-through-labor, HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis in the national re-education through labor system. The labor camp system has been in operation for 50 years in our country. According to news reports, the term for re-education through labor during the year in our country may be replaced by a new name of “object of corrective action” and its corresponding law has been included in the legislative plan of the NPC this year. This will be more Conducive to reeducation-through-labor reform and innovation.
我到了一个新城市,找了一份新工作,换了一个新号码,很稀松平常的一件事情,没有觉得有任何不妥。  上班后的第三天,深夜,手机忽然响起来。我睡得正香,索性直接按了关机。第二天一开机,发现有几十个未接来电,而且,号码也五花八门。一夜之间这么多未接电话,会是什么惊天动地的大事呢?  怀着好奇,我回拨了其中的一个。电话很快接通,一个沙哑的声音传进耳朵中:“你怎么不接电话?你要把人急死啊!你知道吗,妈都一天一
美术教学过程游戏化,创造性地根据教学内容设计、运用多种游戏方法,融游戏于美术教学过程之中。 Art teaching process of gamification, creative design based on teachin
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