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白芨药理作用广泛,是一种常见的收敛止血中药。除了止血作用,白芨在临床上还广泛用于治疗咳血、吐血、疮疡肿毒、皮肤皲裂、口腔枯膜病等病症,疗效显著。除了在中药复方中得到广泛应用,白芨还被制成各种中成药,如白芨颗粒、快胃片、云南白药、复方白芨膏等。除了在医药领域具有其他药物不可替代的作用之外,白芨还广泛应用于食品工业、烟草工业、化工行业等。1.临床应用。近年来研究机构对白芨多糖介入治疗肝癌进行了系统的 Baiji pharmacological effects of a wide range, is a common convergence of hemostatic traditional Chinese medicine. In addition to the role of hemostasis, Baizhi is also widely used in the clinical treatment of hemoptysis, hematemesis, swollen sores, chapped skin, oral wilt disease and other diseases, a significant effect. In addition to being widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, Baiji is also made into various proprietary Chinese medicines, such as Baijian granules, fast stomach tablets, Yunnanbaiyao, compound Baiji cream and so on. In addition to the irreplaceable role of other drugs in the field of medicine, it is also widely used in the food industry, tobacco industry and chemical industry. Clinical application In recent years, research institutions on the intervention of Baiji polysaccharide liver cancer were systematically
综述了60~80年代有关聚丙烯酰胺水溶液贮存过程中粘度稳定性研究的发展状况,重点介绍了解缠和断裂观点及分子内氢键破坏理论,并提出了稳定PAM溶液粘度的几种可能途径。 In this paper,
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前面讨论的都是单通道采样信号电压波形,现在讨论两通道采样信号电压波形,两通道同时采样两种信号电压波形,有助于理清信号之间的相互关系,有助于加深对系统的认识。 The s
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以电位扫描法把铂微粒沉积在聚苯胺(PAn)薄膜电极上以制得铂微粒修饰的聚苯胺薄膜电极.该电极的催化活性以甲醛在0.5mol/L 硫酸溶液中的电化学氧化测定.它集催化活性和电活性于一体,对甲醛在
在解剖一具用10%福尔马林固定的中年男尸颈部时,发现颈正中线右侧,肌三角内胸骨舌骨肌外侧前方多出一块变异肌肉,现报该肌如下:起于右侧锁骨内侧 Anatomy of a middle-aged