
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:precursor1231
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Background: The anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody rituximab effectively depletes B lymphocytes and has been successfully used in the therapy of immune-mediated di sorders of the peripheral nervous system. A limited effect of rituximab on B lym phocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid compartment of patients with primary progres sive multiple sclerosis (MS) was recently reported. Objective: To determine the effect of rituximab on clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, and immunological v ariables in a patient with relapsing-remitting MS. Design: A patient with relap sing-remitting MS was treated with rituximab. The patient was repeatedly examin ed clinically and by magnetic resonance imaging. The frequency of peripheral blo od and cerebrospinal fluid B lymphocytes was assessed by flow cytometry before, during, and after rituximab therapy. Results: Rituximab monotherapy resulted in significant clinical improvement. Inflammatory surrogate markers on magnetic res onance imaging were also reduced. B lymphocytes were depleted in the cerebrospin al fluid and peripheral blood. Conclusions: Our data demonstrate beneficial clin ical effects of rituximab in relapsing-remitting MS, mediated through modulatio n of humoral systemic and central nervous system intrinsic immune responses. Cli nical trials should determine optimal therapeutic strategies for patients with r elapsing-remitting MS. Background: The anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody rituximab efficiently depletes B lymphocytes and has been successfully used in the therapy of immune-mediated di sorders of the peripheral nervous system. A limited effect of rituximab on B lym phocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid compartment of patients with Primary progres sive multiple sclerosis (MS) was recently reported. Objective: To determine the effect of rituximab on clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, and immunological v ariables in a patient with relapsing-remitting MS. Design: A patient with relap sing-remitting MS was treated with rituximab. The patient was repeatedly examin ed clinically and by magnetic resonance imaging. The frequency of peripheral blo od and cerebrospinal fluid B lymphocytes was assessed by flow cytometry before, during, and after rituximab therapy. Results: Rituximab monotherapy resulted in significant clinical improvement. Inflammatory surrogate markers on magnetic res onance imaging were also reduced. B lymphocytes were depleted in the cerebrospin al fluid and peripheral blood. Conclusions: Our data demonstrates beneficial clinical effects of rituximab in relapsing-remitting MS, mediated through modulatio n of humoral systemic and central nervous system intrinsic immune responses. Cli nical trials should determine optimal therapeutic strategies for patients with r elapsing-remitting MS.
多用途轻型越野车 现已成为军队平时的必需品 现在对各国军队来说,平时的战斗任务相当多,比如为了应付地区性冲突频繁发生的情况,军队需要承担维和行动和维和部队的任务。这
有一天,妈妈带我去看电影,我们边走边聊,突然,“砰”的一声巨响,把我吓了一大跳。我循声回头望去,只见一位老爷爷从一个铁筒里倒出好多香气扑鼻的爆米花,馋得我“口水直流三千尺”!  妈妈看到我这样馋,对我说:“小馋鬼,别看了,我们买一袋吧!”我吃着香喷喷的爆米花,看着老爷爷又将旁边准备好的小米粒倒进铁筒继续加工着诱人的美食,脑海里不由跳出了一个问题:小小坚硬的米粒经过机器一爆,为什么就变成了蓬松的爆米
为探讨慢性丙型肝炎自身免疫的发病机制 ,用免疫学方法检测慢性HCV感染者、慢性HBV感染者和健康献血员的血清抗GOR ,ANA和TGA/TMA ,另检测部分慢性HCV感染者和健康献血员血清
我家旁边有条小河,它“叮咚叮咚”地流淌着,消失在一片茂密的柳丛里。柳丛里有个秘密的水潭,是我和小伙伴们夏天洗澡的地方。  一天,我和阿龙、大宇照例来到水潭洗澡。我们把衣服脱得光光的,“扑通、扑通”跳下河,一个猛子扎进河底,好半天才钻出水面,用手抹一把湿淋淋的脸,嘿,好凉快啊!  水潭不大,比赛游泳是不行的,最好玩的就是扎猛子。水是清澈透明的,小鱼游来游去,常常会撞到我们的肚皮。  在水里也可以睁眼
几年来,原英国防务研究机构(DRA)已对与英国国防部签订的合同中的未来坦克的140mm 火炮(FTMA)进行了研究。 最初的意图是准备在21世纪初进入服役期,但是华约和苏联的解体推