严格执行基建程序 努力提高工程质量——交通部整顿和规范水运建设市场秩序

来源 :珠江水运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongfa
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最近,交通部以交水发[2001]404号文向有关单位印发了《关于整顿和规范水运建设市场秩序的若干意见》(以下简称《意见》)。 这次整顿和规范水运工程建设市场的主要目标是:大中型水运建设项目符合国家基本建设程序规定,实现依法建设;杜绝在工程建设中规避招标和招投标中弄虚作假,转包、违法分包和无证、越级承包工程,以及不执行强制性技术标准、偷工减料、以次充好等行为;加强管理和监督,使水运建设市场秩序更加良好,工程质量不断提高,进一步完善健康有序、统一开放的水运建设市场体系。 Recently, the Ministry of Communications issued the Opinions on Rectifying and Regulating the Market Order of Water Transport Construction (hereinafter referred to as “Opinions”) to relevant units with No. 404 [2004] of Jiaoshui [2001]. The main objectives of rectifying and standardizing the construction of the water transport construction market are as follows: The large and medium-sized water transport construction projects are in line with the provisions of the state capital construction procedures and are to be built in accordance with the law; they are to eliminate the subcontracting and illegal subcontracting of tendering and bidding in the project construction Unlicensed and leapfrog contracting projects as well as the non-enforcement of mandatory technical standards, jerry-building and substandard shoddy work; strengthen management and supervision so that the market order for water transport construction will be further improved, the quality of construction projects will continue to improve, and the order of health, order, and opening up will be further improved The water transport market system.
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