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在我国古代诗歌中数字大量出现,或表示准确概念,或表示模糊概念,它们在传播中国独特文化方便发挥着举足轻重的作用。通过对许渊冲唐诗英译研究提出数字翻译的几个方法。 In the ancient Chinese poetry, a large number of figures appear, or express accurate concepts, or vague concepts, which facilitate the dissemination of unique Chinese culture and play a decisive role. Several methods of digital translation are proposed through the research on Xu Yuanchong’s translation of Tang poems.
On the basis of a nonhydrostatic numerical model,the interaction of internal solitary wave with slope-shelf was studied.The breaking and polarity transformation
简单介绍了高考英语改革的发展及现状,从考试内容、考试方式及涉及的相关问题等方面对高考英语改革进行了解析。 Briefly introduced the development and current situatio
本文研究了羊胡子草纤维在波罗的海经常发生的条件下水面柴油溢油的去除效果。在实验室尺度实验中检测了低温、盐度和细菌添加剂的影响,在中等尺度实验中填充600 L波罗的海海
这场名为PAST FORWARD的活动,不论场面还是人气,都可以用一个词——“破天荒”来形容。到场的一千多名嘉宾给足了Swarovski面子,大块水晶大号项链统统上阵;来自亚太及中国区
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Based on the effective medium approximation theory of composites, the empirical model proposed by Pandey and Kakar is remedied to investigate the microwave emis