雄霸“天下” 谁与争锋——现代主战坦克现状及发展

来源 :国外坦克 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjian26
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坦克自20世纪初第一次世界大战问世至今,已有近百年的发展历史。在近代战争的舞台上,它们作为各国陆军中最重要的作战兵器,始终主宰着地面战场,可谓雄霸“天下”,面对新军事变革,面对反坦克武器的威胁,不断提升性能,其陆战之王的地位至今没有哪一种武器能够挑战,也成为衡量各国军队战斗力水平的重要标志。 Since the advent of the First World War in the early 20th century, the tank has a history of nearly a hundred years. On the arena of modern warfare, as the most important combat weapon in the armed forces of various countries, they dominate the battlefield on the ground and can dominate the world. In the face of the new military revolution, facing the threat of anti-tank weapons and their continuous improvement in performance, The status of the king so far no one kind of weapons to challenge, but also become an important measure of the level of combat effectiveness of all countries.
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