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秋末冬初,气候骤变。此时若小儿禀赋不足,命门火衰,温煦失职,即可发生气化不能,火不生土,分利转输失权;水湿并走大肠而致泄,临床表现为起病急,首先出现上呼吸道症状,发热轻咳。继而出现呕吐、腹胀、大便次数增多,轻者每天数次,重者可达10次。大便为水样蛋花状或者 Autumn late winter, the climate changed suddenly. At this point if the lack of endowment of children, life-fiery declines, Wen Xu dereliction of duty can occur gasification can not fire does not emerge, transfer profit lost; water and take the colon and the vent, the clinical manifestations of acute onset, First, upper respiratory symptoms, fever cough. Then vomiting, abdominal distension, stool frequency increased, the light several times a day, severe up to 10 times. Stool is water-like egg-shaped or
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单位:亿美元公司名称2000 1 1999增减(%)BP阿莫科公司85.0 1 73.0道达尔菲纳集团80.0雪佛龙公司’52.0德士古(Texaeo)’·470}39.0阿科公司26乃1 27.0大陆石油公司(Conoeo)22
Ten ferrocene containing liquid crystalline materials, p FcC 6H 4CO 2C 6H 4N=CHC 6H 4O 2CC 6H 3BrOC n H 2 n +1 (type I) and p
The light emission produced by thiourea in oxidation process by permanganate in acidic solution in the presence of Ru(phen) 2+ 3 is used to determine 1.0
今年以来,随着改革开放的进一步深化和经济的持续快速增长,居民收入增加,商品货源丰富,销售平稳活跃,市场继续保持繁荣兴旺的景象。 一、市场运行的特点和问题 1.商品销售平