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各市、县、自治县人民政府,省政府直属各单位:为加强海域使用管理,规范项目用海行为,根据《中华人民共和国海域使用管理法》的有关规定和《国务院办公厅关于沿海省、自治区、直辖市审批项目用海有关问题的通知》(国办发[2002]36号)精神,现就我省审批项目用海权限通知如下:一、省人民政府负责审批以下项目用海(一)填海(围海造地)50公顷以下(不含本数)的项目用海;(二)围海10公顷以上、100公顷以下(不含本数)的项目用海;(三)不改变海域自然属性的700公顷以下(不含本数),超过市、县人民政府审批权限的项目用海;(四)跨市、县使用海域的项目用海; All units directly under the municipal, county, autonomous county people’s governments and provincial governments: In order to strengthen the administration of sea use and regulate the sea use of the project, according to the relevant provisions of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of the Use of the Sea Area” and the “Regulations of the General Office of the State Council Concerning Coastal Autonomous Regions, Municipality directly under the Central Government to approve projects using the sea-related issues ”(Guo Ban Fa [2002] No. 36) spirit, now on the province approved the project with the sea authority to inform the following: First, the provincial people’s government is responsible for the approval of the following sea (a) reclamation (Sea reclamation of less than 50 hectares (excluding the number of projects sea; (2) sea reclamation of more than 10 hectares, 100 hectares (excluding the number) of the project sea; (c) does not change the natural attributes of the sea 700 Hectares of land (excluding this number), which exceed the examination and approval authority of the people’s governments of cities and counties; (4) projects for sea use across cities and counties;
辽源发电厂的食堂、卫生所、家属宿舍,那一片紅磚青瓦的平房,比起他們雄偉高大的厂房来,是那么矮小,然而就在这里工作人們的內心世界来說,却是崇高的。 Liaoyuan power pla
China’s largest regional cooperation project to date, 9 + 2 Regional Cooperation encompasses eight provinces: Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Sichu
目的 探讨我国经济发达地区乙肝疫苗接种的最佳免疫策略。方法 以北京市东城区防疫站 1991~ 1998年乙肝疫苗免疫接种及乙肝发病、死亡资料及费用调查为基础 ,对新生儿高剂量
本文通过对辽东地区落叶松人工林连我与土壤水分、容重、孔隙度等物理性质及林木生长关系的研究,认为落叶松人工林连栽地力衰退的原因之一是土壤物理性质恶化所致。 Based on
最有影响力的广告:耐克 在早期的商业广告中,乔丹很少说话,更多的是利用肢体语言来传达特定的含义。在耐克为“飞人乔丹二代”(乔丹在1987~1988赛季穿的一款球鞋)拍摄的广告
功能监测及药与生物组织的相互作用 =Function almonitoringanddrug tissueinteraction//Proc .SPIE .- 2 0 0 2 ,462 3.- 40 0 p门诊诊断系统 :技术与仪器 =Clinicaldiagnos