
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moon818882003
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最近,国务院颁布了《全民所有制工业企业转换经营机制条例》(以下简称《条例》),其核心,就是把企业推向市场。目前,市场的形势是:一方面,市场逐渐摆脱疲软的阴影趋于好转,但竞争日趋激烈;另一方面,企业开拓市场的能力普遍增强,且都在千方百计制造立于不败之地的“杀手锏”产品。在这样一个“千帆竞发”的当口,军队生产经营好比逆水行舟,不进则退。但退是没有出路的,唯有进取才能发展,才能提高。而进的根本出路就是要与社会主义市场经济相适应,认真贯彻落实《条例》,紧紧围绕开拓市场进行工作,使自己的产品大步迈向市场。 Recently, the State Council promulgated the “Regulations on Changing the Operating Mechanism of Ownership-Owned Industrial Enterprises” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”). The core of the State Council is to bring enterprises into the market. At present, the market situation is: On the one hand, the market is gradually getting out of the shadow of weakness is getting better, but the competition is becoming fiercer; On the other hand, the ability of companies to expand the market is generally enhanced, and all are doing everything possible to create an invincible position. Killer “product. In such a ”thousand-fan sail race“, the army’s production and operation is like sailing against the water, and it will be retired if it does not advance. However, there is no way out for retreat, and it can be improved only if we are able to develop. The fundamental way forward is to adapt to the socialist market economy, conscientiously implement the ”Regulations," and work closely around the development of the market, so that their products will stride toward the market.
阅读文言文时 ,我们经常会遇到这样一种情况 :一个词语解释成不同的义项 ,一个句子作不同的翻译 ,表面上似乎都能讲得通 ,而文言文词语或句子的翻译往往只有一种最能贴近原文
人们对某种色彩的偏爱很容易在家居的装饰当中体现出来,但在装饰家居中,不能单凭自己的喜好来决定家居的环境色彩。 People’s preference for a certain color can easily
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Objective:To study the feasibility of the left radial approach for coronary angiography. Methods:195 patients diagnosed with coronary atherosclerotic heart dise
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