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开学后,初一(2)班的同学们正在大扫除,大家都干得热火朝天,唯独强强站在一旁看,非但不动手还指挥小组其他同学干这干那;劳动结束后,强强自掏腰包买来了一些笔和本子等学习用品奖励本组同学。班主任乐老师认为强强在劳动时偷懒,且乱花钱,这种行为不利于班风建设,于是找强强谈话,可是强强的一番话却让乐老师一时语塞。强强一本正经地说:“老师,您不是教导我们要发挥长处吗?没有人可以成为全才,所以我们要充分挖掘自己的潜能,找到自己的长处。我的长处就是组织、指挥、协 After the commencement of school, the students in the first (2) class were being swept away and everyone was ready to stand in full swing. Only the powerful stood aside, not only did the non-stop group commanders also teach other students to do that. After the labor ended, Pockets to buy some books and books and other learning supplies reward this classmate. Master Le teacher that strong in the labor lazy, and spend money, this behavior is not conducive to class construction, so to find a strong conversation, but strong words made music teacher temporarily speechless. Powerful and straightforward to say: ”Teacher, you are not teaching us to play a strength? No one can become a talented person, so we have to fully tap their potential to find their strengths. My strength is the organization, command, and association
脱矿骨基质的有机释放系统对骨缺损的研究[英]/DamienCJ…//JBiomedMaterRes.1994,28(5).553早期,Senn作者在人体内植入氢化物酸性脱钙骨进入骨缺损部位,报道了脱矿骨填充缺损的临床应用,认为脱矿骨具有抗菌作用,比异... Study o
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Esophageal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in the world.In order to identify the proteinsassociated with esophageal squamous cell carcinomas(ESCC
我国期刊出版界目前普遍实行三级审稿制,即编辑初审、专家复审和主编终审。1初审是三审制的第一环,是审稿的基础  编辑初审是编辑人员根据办刊宗旨、编辑方针和编辑思想对来
关于策划选题的思考,笔者已经在 《新闻出版交流》连续写了三篇文章,即 《看准冷门》、《重在参与》和《寻觅作者》。但总觉得言犹未尽,于是,又提起了笔。 在我20多年的编辑实践中,
Background The multidrug resistance(MDR)associated with the expression of the mdr1 gene and its productP-glycoprotein is a major factor in the prognosis of hep
因特网世界是一个人才资源和信息资源高度密集的世界。上网是科技期刊加快信息交流的必由之路。然而科技期刊上网目前还有许多问题尚未解决 ,这里面有技术上的问题 ,也有政策