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洪泾之行 1970年初,叶群有一次坐汽车兜风时问王义华:“你去过洪泾大队吗?”王义华回答说没有。叶群说:“我在那里搞过社会主义教育运动,在那里住了好长时间,我真想到洪泾大队去一次,那里的贫下中农我都很熟悉,小孩都认识我。社员们太好了,都很朴实,我很想再见见他们。 Hong Jing trip Early 1970, Ye Qun once took a car for a ride Wang Yihua: “Have you been to Hong Jing brigade?” Wang Yihua replied no. Ye Qun said: "I have engaged in socialist education there and lived there for a long time. I really do want to see the Hongjing Brigade once. I am familiar with the poor and middle peasants there, and the children know me. , Are very simple, I really want to see them again.
We report an enhancement cavity for femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser at the repetition rate of 170 MHz. An enhancement factor of 24 is obtained when the injecting
1、加入WTO的确改变了我国民族经济发展的历史轨迹 ,并使全世界的总体经济水平得到了快速提高 ,其有利影响主要表现在以下三个方面 :(1)实现社会劳动的节约 ,资源互补。参与国际
With the financial support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Professor Johan Liu’s team at Shanghai University reported the improved heat spr
本文从竞技体育角度出发着眼于足球,提出竞技能力是阵型演变和发展的基础。 This article from the point of view of competitive sports focusing on football, put forwa
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