Research and development of hot-rolled ultra-high strength steel at Baosteel

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyinhao
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The effects of the composition and cooling process on the microstructures and properties of hot-rolled ultra-high strength low alloy(HSLA)steel,complex phase steel and martensite steel were studied in the laboratory.And S700MC and MP1200 ultra-high strength steels were trial produced at the 1 880 mm hot-rolling line of Baosteel.Compared with conventional hot-rolled high strength products,the idea that water is alloy was applied in the newly developed hot-rolled ultra-high strength steel.By the use of the economical composition design and controlled cooling after hot-rolling effectively,ultra-high strength steel of different steel grades can be obtained. The effects of the composition and cooling process on the microstructures and properties of hot-rolled ultra-high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel, complex phase steel and martensite steel were studied in the laboratory. And S700MC and MP1200 ultra-high strength steels were trial produced at the 1 880 mm hot-rolling line of Baosteel. Compared with conventional hot-rolled high strength products, the idea that water is alloy was applied in the newly developed hot-rolled ultra-high strength steel. By the use of the economical composition design and controlled cooling after hot-rolling effectively, ultra-high strength steel of different steel grades can be obtained.
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