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家长对孩子常说的一句话是:害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。仿佛一夜之间,站在我们面前的都是坏人。老人倒在地上,没人敢去搀一把、扶一把,怕后果不堪设想;有人真的丢了钱包,希望路人给点钱买一张回家的车票——可是你敢吗?昨天我还被乞讨的人骗了;在饭局上听说某某捐款大多被人挪用,并且告诉你这顿饭就可以在捐款中报销……从“防人之心”到“害人之心”其实只有一步之遥。在这一步之内,如果不设置栅栏的话,一不小心就越过了界限。在文明程度尚未达到可嘉的地步,如果没有 Parents often say a word to their children is: the heart of the victims can not have defensive people’s heart. As if all night standing in front of us are bad people. No one dared to mix, help one, afraid of the consequences unthinkable; someone really lost the wallet, hoping passers-by to give money to buy a home ticket - but you dare? Yesterday I also Was begging people cheated; in the dinner I heard that most of the money donations were being diverted, and tell you that the meal can be reimbursed in donations ... ... From the “anti-human heart” to “harm the heart ”In fact, only one step away. In this step, if you do not set the fence, accidentally crossed the line. If civilization does not reach the level of commendability, if not
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