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  1. 请代我问候你的父母。
  Please give my regards / love to your parents.
  = Please say hello to your parents.
  = Please send my best wishes to your parents.
  2. 告诉我你缺席的理由。
  Tell me the reason for your absence.
  = Tell me the reason why you are absent.
  = Tell me why you are absent.
  = Tell me what cause you to be absent.
  3. 我认为这部戏值得一看。
  This play is worth seeing, I think.
  = This play is worthy to be seen, I think.
  = This play is worthy of being seen, I think.
  = It is worth while seeing this play, I think.
  = It is worth your while to see this play, I think.
  4. 你介意我打开窗子吗?
  Do you mind if I open the window?
  = Would you mind if I opened the window?
  = Would / Do you mind my opening the window?
  5. 和溜冰比起来,我更喜欢游泳。
  I prefer swimming to skating.
  = I prefer to swim rather than skate.
  = I prefer to swim instead of skating.
  = I would rather swim than skate.
  = I like swimming better than skating.
  6. 他刚走出家门就开始下雨了。
  He had no sooner left home than it began to rain.
  = No sooner had he left home than it began to rain.
  = He had hardly / scarcely left home when it began to rain.
  = Hardly / Scarcely had he left home when it began to rain.
  = It began to rain as soon as he left home.
  = The moment he left home, it began to rain.
  7. 那个问题太难了,我无法解决。
  That problem is too difficult for me to solve.
  = That problem is so difficult that I can’t solve it.
  = That problem is not easy enough for me to solve.
  = That problem is beyond my ability.
  = It is so difficult a problem that I can’t solve it.
  = It is such a difficult problem that I can’t solve it.
  = It is such a difficult problem as I can’t solve.
  8. 直到他昨天告诉我,我才知道此事。
  = I didn’t know about it until he told me yesterday.
  = Not until he told me yesterday did I know about it.
  = It was not until he told me yesterday that I knew about it.
  9. 汤姆迟到了,老师很生气。
  Tom’s being late made the teacher angry.
  = The teacher was angry at Tom’s / Tom being late.
  = That Tom was late made the teacher angry.
  = Tom being late, the teacher was angry.
  = The teacher was angry, because Tom was late.
  10. 我在回家的路上碰到了一个老朋友。
  I happened to meet an old friend of mine on my way home.
  = I met an old friend of mine on my way home by chance / by accident.
  = I met with / came across an old friend of mine on my way home.
  = It happened that I met an old friend of mine on my way home.
  11. 我们去看看汤姆出什么问题了。
   Let’s go to see what’s the problem with Tom.
  = Let’s go to see what’s the trouble with Tom.
  = Let’s go to see what’s the matter with Tom.
  = Let’s go to see what’s wrong with Tom.
  = Let’s go to see what’s happened to Tom.
  12. 众所周知,地球绕着太阳转。
  It is known to everybody that the earth travels round the sun.
  = As is known to everybody, the earth travels round the sun.
  = The earth travels round the sun,as / which is known to everybody.
  = Everybody knows that the earth travels round the sun.
  13. 努力学习,否则,你不会成功的。
  Study hard, or you will not succeed.
  = If you don’t study hard, you will not succeed.
  = You will not succeed unless you work hard.
  = Study hard. If not, you will not succeed.
  14. 我相信你会通过考试的。
  I’m sure that you will pass the examination.
  = I’m sure that you will succeed in the examination.
  = I’m sure that you will succeed in passing the examination.
  = I’m sure that you will manage to pass the examination.
  15. 60%的同学认为公园不应该收费。
  Sixty percent of the students think that the park should not charge entrance fees.
  = Sixty in [out of] one hundred students hold the view that entrance fees should not be charged for parks.
  = Three fifths of the students believe that a park should be free of charge.
  = Three in [out of] five students are against the idea of entrance fees for parks.
  = In the opinion of 60% of the students, people can enter parks for free [nothing].
  = 60% of the students have the idea that people should be allowed to enter parks without charge.
  (编辑 周贞雄)
“世有伯乐,然后有千里马。千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。”在全国1000多所普通高校中,本科院校几乎占据着半壁江山。大家一般对一些名牌院校耳熟能详,但对很多本科院校还不熟悉,一些如千里马一样有实力的高校,有待于“伯乐学生”来慧眼相识。  下面,我就挑选出如下8所院校,一一呈现给大家,以方便各位考生慧眼识“千里马”。    农林类:沈阳农业大学    沈阳农业大学坐落在沈阳市东郊的天柱山南麓,与名胜古迹
在日出前一小时,伦敦街道所呈现的景象十分引人注目。我们在其他时候惯常见到的挤满匆忙、急切的人群的街道此刻都是静悄悄的;整天熙熙攘攘一片忙碌的房子这时也寂无人声;这种冷落、孤单和凄凉的气氛给人留下十分深刻的印象。  最后的那个醉汉,他必须赶在日出之前回到家里,这时候才拖着沉重的腿蹒跚走去,放声唱着前晚祝酒歌中的重唱句;最后的那个无家可归的流浪汉因分文不名,又没有让警察发现,待在街头巷尾,这时候他已经
他的名字叫彼得。他只不过是一条狗,一条十五个月大的猎狗,还只能算是一条稚嫩的小狗,虽然他经历过一次狩猎的季节,学习过怎样在两三年内(如果他能活那么久的话)当好一条狗。  可是他仅仅是一条狗,对于这个世界他要求的并不多:食物(他不在乎是什么,也不在乎给他多少,只要是慈爱地给予就行)、手的抚触、一个声音(他认得这声音,虽然不理解那些话,也无法回答),还有就是可以奔跑的土地、可以呼吸的空气、四时八节的阳
近幾年来,洑西村依托优美的生态环境资源,在保护生态的同时大力发展乡村旅游,形成了以“篱笆园”为龙头的一批特色精品农家乐和民宿,先后获得“中国最美休闲乡村”“全国乡村旅游重点村”等多种荣誉。  洑西村交通便利,村口设有农村通达车和旅游直通车停靠站台,免费旅游直通车从宜兴高铁站可直达村口,30分钟一班次;龙山特色民宿区入口处、村中心皆有导览图,村中游览线路一目了然。村内开辟了新的旅游环线,并以当地常见
斯特凡·布萊豪尔(Stefan Bleihauer)  有着大部分德国摄影师特有的冷静和偏执,他拍摄的建筑照片构图简洁,加上大胆明亮的配色,散发着迷人的艺术气质。  多年来,布莱豪尔每天都乘火车上下班,所见的景物就是莱茵湖畔一成不变的码头,那些工厂或仓库建筑有着实用主义的倾向,钢铁外墙、混凝土和石头充满工业感,这些容易被忽略的景观引起了他的拍摄欲望。布莱豪尔喜欢早上或傍晚拍摄,并不在意是阳光普照或
意大利语,是以佛罗伦萨为中心的托斯卡纳地区方言口音为标准。Firenze,在古托斯卡纳语——就是但丁写《神曲》所用的语言中,意为“鲜花之城”。这个精致美丽的名字倒也实事求是:阳光下的蓝天白云,与色彩鲜艳的墙壁、深绿色的百叶窗、深红色的屋顶,正是佛罗伦萨的日常色彩。  佛罗伦萨是文艺复兴的发祥地、西方世界重要的精神故乡,如果想找一家深谙文艺之髓的下榻处,去共和广场上的萨沃伊酒店(Hotel Savo
《考试大纲》规定要“理解与现代汉语不同的句式和用法”,能力层级为B级。文言文句式主要放在文言文翻译、古诗文阅读理解中进行动态考查,也以选择题的形式单独命题,如判断句式的异同、判断省略成分的正误等。常见的文言句式主要有以下几种:判断句、否定句、倒装句、省略句、疑问句、被动句及一些固定句式。    一、判断句式    文言判断句一般是以名词或名词性短语直接充当谓语而进行判断,常见句式有如下几种:  1
拍摄人:李睿  拍摄地点:北京,故宫 拍摄时间: 8月9日  INFO:尼康D800,F/8,2.5s,ISO 100  晴朗的夏日清早,太阳入射角度还比较低,正好可以穿透万春亭的窗棂,投射到亭内。再加上几百年历史的万春亭最不缺的就是大量积攒的灰尘,因此,五道阳光清晰可见。这个场景只能持续几分钟,光线便偏移了藻井的中心。
什么是考试焦虑    每到高考邻近的日子,因为考试压力而咨询的高三同学日渐增多。一个高三女孩在信中说:“面对一次次考试,压力很大,觉得特别累。我平时学习挺用功,可最近面临毕业前的考试,心里越来越紧张。直到现在,一看到试卷,眼前就一片漆黑,即使做过的题也忘了。等考试结束,走出考场,又全都记起来了,结果丢了不少分,就更怕考试了。眼看就要高考了,我该怎么办?……”  女孩描述了考试焦虑的典型表现。面对考
2018年9月7—9日,第三届中国国际房车旅游大会在唐山紫天鹅国际房车露营公园举行,来自全国各地的六百多名车友在唐山全域展开了一次观光体验之旅。  大会的举办地紫天鹅国际房车露营公园,被中国汽车工业协会房车委员会授予房车示范营地。露营公园位于唐山南湖生态区,有按照国际露营水电标准建造的全新的房车营地,有风格独特的木屋别墅,有丰富的绿植和水系,有为广大车友提供多种旅居方式的选择。本次大会共有260辆