The MNS16A polymorphism in the TERT gene in peri-centenarians from the Han Chinese population

来源 :Science China(Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meng8500
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MNS16A,a variable number of tandem repeats polymorphism in the TERT gene,has been suggested to regulate telomerase activity.As telomerase activity has been reported to be related to life-span,we hypothesized that this polymorphism might affect human longevity by controlling the length of the telomere.To test this hypothesis,we collected 446 unrelated pericentenarian individuals(age≥90,mean 94.45±3.45 years)and 332 normal controls(age 22-53,mean 35.0±12.0 years)from Dujiangyan,Sichuan,China.We typed the MNS16A polymorphism in both groups,and compared the allele and genotype frequencies between the peri-centenarian and control groups using the chi-squared test.There was no significant difference between the peri-centenarian and control groups.Thus,the MNS16A polymorphism in TERT might not influence human life-span,at least in the Han Chinese population studied here. MNS16A, a variable number of tandem repeats polymorphism in the TERT gene, has been suggested to regulate telomerase activity. As telomerase activity has been reported to be related to life-span, we hypothesized that this polymorphism Might affect human longevity by controlling the length of the telomere.To test this hypothesis, we collected 446 unrelated pericentenarian individuals (age≥90, mean 94.45 ± 3.45 years) and 332 normal controls (age 22-53, mean 35.0 ± 12.0 years) from Dujiangyan, Sichuan, China. We typed the MNS16A polymorphism in both groups, and compared the allele and genotype frequencies between the peri-centenarian and control groups using the chi-squared test. There was no significant difference between the peri-centenarian and control groups. Thus, the MNS16A polymorphism in TERT might not influence human life-span, at least in the Han Chinese population studied here.
<正> 1996年10月12日到16日,由湖南师范大学主办,中国社科院语言所、湖南省语言学会、武陵大学等单位协办的第七届近代汉语学术研讨会在湖南省张家界市武陵大学召开。来自全国各地的近50位学者参加了会议。会议收到论文或论文提要40多篇。湖南师大中文系主任陈建初主持开幕式,有关领导、专家在开幕式上讲了话。语言所所长江蓝生在讲话中回顾了历届近代汉语研讨会的举办情况和两年来发生的一些大事,对蒋礼鸿先生的不幸去世表示深切哀悼,并向与会者推荐蒋绍愚教授的《近代汉语研究概况》、向熹教授
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