开启华南布局 福田汽车在广东佛山建设新工厂

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6月26日,福田汽车在广东佛山三水区举行新工厂奠基仪式,全面拉开企业完善产业布局、深化华南发展的新篇章。据福田汽车相关负责人介绍,从2012年开始,福田汽车着手布局集研发、采购、供应、销售于一体的华南地区总部,经过详细的选址调研,广东佛山三水从众多候选地区中脱颖而出。深化产业布局提升市场竞争力伴随着三水工厂这座福田汽车在华南最大工厂的奠基,福田汽车日渐清晰的华南布局已经展现在眼前。 On June 26, Foton Motor Corporation laid a groundbreaking ceremony for a new factory in Sanshui District, Foshan, Guangdong Province, fully opening up a new chapter in which enterprises should improve their industrial layout and deepen the development of southern China. According to the relevant person in charge of Foton Motor, from 2012 onwards, Foton Motor set to set the layout of the R & D, procurement, supply and sales headquarters in southern China, after a detailed site research, Foshan, Sanshui from many candidate areas to come to the fore. Deepen the industrial layout to enhance market competitiveness With the foundation of Sanshui Factory, the largest factory for Foton in southern China, the increasingly clear layout of Foton Motor in southern China has been revealed.
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