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  - Passage 1 -
  A fox is walking in the forest. Suddenly, he 1 into a well (井) when he wants to drink the water there. He tries his 2 to come 3 , but he can’t. A goat (山羊) passes by and sees the fox.
  The goat 4 , “What are you 5
  there, Mr. Fox?”
  The fox answers, “I come here to 6 . The water is sweet.”
  7 thinking, the goat jumps into the well. She wants to drink the sweet water. But 8 like the fox, she finds that she can’t come out.
  The fox sighs (叹息) and says to the goat,“ 9 goat, you should never get in without thinking of 10 to get out.”
  ( )1. A. jumps B. considers
  C. looks D. thinks
  ( )2. A. good B. well
  C. best D. better
  ( )3. A. out B. in
  C. to D. from
  ( )4. A. laughs B. laughed
  C. asked D. asks
  ( )5. A. do B. did
  C. does D. doing
  ( )6. A. play B. drink water
  C. swim D. watch the water
  ( )7. A. With B. As
  C. for D. Without
  ( )8. A. just B. look
  C. don’t D. doesn’t
  ( )9. A. clever B. Poor
  C. Hi D. Mr.
  ( )10. A. when B. how
  C. where D. what
  - Passage 2 -
  768 people group together on Zagreb’s main square. They come from 1 places of Croatia. It is 2 , but they all wear rain coats. Some wear black rain coats 3 some wear yellow rain coats. They stand one 4 one and make a huge 5 face by themselves. The reporter records this from a plane. 6 , he gives them some suggestions. It helps 7 make the smiling face 8 .
  “We 9 want to show our attitude (态度) towards the world. We are happy, and we want everyone 10 happy,” one of the organizers says.
  ( )1. A. different B. same
  C. the D. /
  ( )2. A. rain B. sunny
  C. rainy D. cloudy
  ( )3. A. and B. or
  C. but D. then
  ( )4. A. and B. or
  C. by D. for
  ( )5. A. smiling B. smile
  C. smiled D. smiles
  ( )6. A. But B. And
  C. Meanwhile D. So
  ( )7. A. them B. they
  C. us D. themselves
  ( )8. A. beautiful
  B. beautifully
  C. more beautiful
  D. most beautiful
  ( )9. A. all B. just
  C. are D. were
  ( )10. A. feel B. feels
  C. feeling D. to feel
  - Passage 1 -
  When I was in primary school, sometimes I would meet a girl of the same 1 as me. Lisa was never active, but she was always very sweet and 2 . In the 5th grade she came to my class.   She often stayed away from 3 , and one day I had the courage to ask why. She told me she was 4 , and she explained she wore a wig (假发) because her medicine made her lose her hair. We left it at that. Anytime Lisa came to class — seldom — I would 5 around with her on the playground.
  My friends began to be 6 to me for this because they thought I was ignoring(忽略) them for Lisa. My family 7 taught me to be nice, and I felt Lisa’s needs were much more 8 than others I knew.
  It had been months since Lisa was in our class, and one day our teacher was
  9 . She explained Lisa died the day before and would no longer be our 10 . She told us Lisa had fought a battle (斗争) with cancer (癌症) for years.
  I was 11 . Lisa never spoke of her illness as if it could kill her. Well, all these years I have kept Lisa in my mind and heart. When I go 12 the important events in my life, I think of Lisa.
  I’ve had a 13 wish recently to find her mother and father. I’d like to tell them that though they never 14 me, their daughter had a sweet effect(影响) on my life. I have no idea what her parents’ first names are. I write to your column (栏目) and hope you can 15 me in the right direction.
  Lisa was such a lovely girl. Maybe her parents would be comforted (安慰) by the fact that after all these years they are not the only ones who remember her.
  ( )1. A. height B. type
  C. color D. age
  ( )2. A. nice B. pretty
  C. confident D. noisy
  ( )3. A. home B. school
  C. hospital D. work
  ( )4. A. bored B. sick
  C. lost D. tired
  ( )5. A. hang B. paint
  C. run D. dream
  ( )6. A. good B. strange
  C. cold D. dangerous
  ( )7. A. tree B. habit
  C. dinner D. education
  ( )8. A. difficult B. clever
  C. patient D. important
  ( )9. A. laughing B. singing
  C. crying D. writing
  ( )10. A. trouble B. classmate
  C. secret D. reporter
  ( )11. A. shocked B. honest
  C. silly D. anxious
  ( )12. A. towards B. behind
  C. through D. across
  ( )13. A. little B. strong
  C. proper D. proud
  ( )14. A. help B. pay
  C. forget D. met
  ( )15. A. point B. leave
  C. borrow D. send
  - Passage 1 -
  After lunch, without permission from parents, the two boys set off to explore the part of the beach which lay beyond the headland (陆岬,伸出海面的尖形高地). They got in the head land and the beach reached away endlessly before them. It was like 1 a new world. There were damp, dark caves to 2 , and there were many 3 among the rocks, full of sea creatures (生物); and, here and there along the beach were those strange objects, washed up and   4 by the tide.
  The afternoon passed 5 . The sun was already 6 when the boys reluctantly (恋恋不舍地) decided to make their 7 homewards. But long before they reached the headland, they could see that the tide had come in so sudden that they were now 8 from either end of the beach. Their only chance of 9 was to find a way up the cliff (悬崖) nearby.
  They soon find a narrow path 10 the cliff top. But half way up their path was
  11 by a large rock which they could not climb 12 . The two boys had to shout at the top of their voices, 13 that someone might
  14 over the top of the rock, and finally came their father with two policemen. 15 of them climbed down a rope which was lowered over the rock. The boys were then pulled to safety, and thus saved from spending a miserable (痛苦的) night on the cliff.
  ( )1. A. discovering B. facing
  C. living D. imagining
  ( )2. A. look B. explore
  C. hide D. search
  ( )3. A. seas B. rivers
  C. waterfalls D. pools
  ( )4. A. moved B. covered
  C. beaten D. left
  ( )5. A. quickly B. unexpectedly
  C. finally D. suddenly
  ( )6. A. leaving B. dropping
  C. going D. setting
  ( )7. A. road B. way
  C. track D. path
  ( )8. A. cut off B. left behind
  C. held back D. put away
  ( )9. A. running off B. keeping clear
  C. getting away
  D. turning back
  ( )10. A. reaching B. passing
  C. going up D. leading to
  ( )11. A. blocked B. discovered
  C. supported D. filled
  ( )12. A. on B. over
  C. round D. through
  ( )13. A. wanting B. guessing
  C. believing D. hoping
  ( )14. A. turn B. appear
  C. hide D. climb
  ( )15. A. Any B. None
  C. One D. First
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摘要:文章以《酚的性质和应用》为载体,对同课异构活动进行研讨,着重讨论高中化学实验创新优化的研究。  关键词:苯酚;化学实验;创新优化  文章编号:1008-0546(2013)04-029-03 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  2012年10月,我县围绕市级课题《基于高中化学实验创新优化的实验教学有效性研究》,开展了《酚的性质和应用》的同课异构活动,进行高中化学实验创新优化教学研讨。
【新目標英语七年级(下) Unit 4 STEP BY STEP  随堂通参考答案】  Section A  一、从B栏中找出与A栏句子相对应的答语。  1~5 CEDBA  二、根据句意填写单词,首字母已给出。  1. fight 2. dishes 3. rules  4. outside 5. strict  三、选择填空。  1~5 BADCA6~8 BBD  Section B  一、选
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摘要:教师可以通过化学实验教学,提高学生对化学实验在建构知识网络、提高实验素养等方面所起积极作用的认识;教师要充分挖掘教材、习题中的实验,改变实验教学策略,给学生更多的实践机会,提高实验教学的有效性,培养学生的实验技能和探究意识、促进思维能力的发展。  关键词:化学实验技能;有效实验教学;实验体验  文章编号:1008-0546(2012)07-0021-03    中图分类号:G633.8   
On the first day of an American history class, the professor assigned7 homework on civil rights.  The next day, he asked one of my classmates to name ten of those rights. When the student made no resp