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证券市场效率一直是证券市场发展中的核心问题,也是长期以来学术研究中的一个极具吸引力且富有争议的热点。研究证券市场的效率性必然涉及有效市场假说。有效市场假说包含证券价格的信息有效性和证券的配置有效性两个含义。证券配置有效性指证券配置是否达到帕累托最优,而证券价格的信息有效性是指证券价格是否完全反映了可利用的信息。无疑,如何准确地理解和认识有效市场假说,是正确地把握和运用信息进行投资决策的重要前提。 The efficiency of the securities market has always been the core issue in the development of the securities market, and it has also become a very attractive and controversial hot point in academic research for a long time. Studying the efficiency of the securities market inevitably involves the efficient market hypothesis. The effective market hypothesis contains the two meanings of the validity of the information of securities price and the validity of securities. The validity of securities allocation refers to whether the security configuration reaches the Pareto optimality, and the information validity of the security prices means whether the security prices fully reflect the available information. No doubt, how to accurately understand and understand the effective market hypothesis is an important prerequisite for correctly grasping and applying information to make investment decisions.
目的探讨外源性激活素A(activin A, ACT A)对新生大鼠脑白质中少突神经胶质细胞(oligodendrocyte, OL)发育的影响。方法将96只新生SD大鼠按日龄分为四组:3日龄(postnatal3,P3)
对31个水稻不育系共63个样本的套袋自交结实率和花粉可育度资料进行了相关性和差异性分析,归纳了差异性的规律,分析了产生差异性的原因,并提出了改进育性观测方法的建议。 The corr
AIM To investigate autophagy-related genes, particularly ATG12, in apoptosis and cell cycle in hepatitis B virus(HBV)-associated hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) a
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。在“‘三个代表’在基层”采访团工作总结会议上的讲话@吉炳轩 Please download to view, this article does not support onli
绒绣《中国》是傅丽刑绒绣艺术工作室绣制的第一幅大型现代绒绣艺术品,也是奉献给上海世博会最珍贵的礼物。整幅绒绣高1.6米,长2.8米,选用各种色线近三千种,作品以穿越千年历史时空,生动展出了史诗般壮阔的中华神韵。  绣制绒绣《中国》还得从傅丽琍绒绣艺术工作室成立前后说起,2008年秋,三个退休女工从新闻媒体获悉了上海绒绣已被浦东新区列入区级非物质文化遗产的信息,感到十分欣慰,虽然在绒绣领域摸打滚爬了