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目前国内外市场对桃果的要求是:外观亮丽、品质优良、有能力占领高端市场;耐贮运性能良好、适于长途运输及外销;在成熟期上能够插空补缺;抗逆性强,丰产性好;能适应设施栽培的需要。“丽红”来源于桔早生芽变,由于几乎全面符合上述要求,几年来一直处于俏销状态,已逐渐成为一个具 At present, the requirements of peach in domestic and foreign markets are as follows: beautiful appearance, good quality and ability to occupy the high-end market; good storage and transportation performance, suitable for long-distance transportation and export; can fill vacancies in maturity; strong resistance, Good sex; can adapt to the needs of facilities cultivation. “Li-red” comes from the early germination of orange, because almost fully meet the above requirements, the past few years has been in a Qiao-sale status, has gradually become a
(一 )  历史进入新时期后,中国出现重大革命历史题材文艺创作的高潮,确实是一个有中国特色的独特的民族艺术现象,是一种文化奇观,这可能在人类艺术史上很难找到完全一样的东西
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