Pancreatic tuberculosis-abdominal tuberculosis presenting as pancreatic abscesses and colonic perfor

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jff3551
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Isolated pancreatic tuberculosis is an extremely rare condition, more so in an immunocompetent individual. Its presentation as pancreatic abscesses with colonic perforation has not been reported so far. This condition poses difficulties in clinical diagnoses. Herein we report a case who was operated in another hospital for pancreatic abscesses, and referred to our institution later when he developed fecal peritonitis due to colonic perforation. Re-laparotomy, resection and exteriorisation of the colon were done. Acid fast bacilli was seen in the histopathological examination of the resected colon. The patient responded remarkably to anti-tuberculous therapy and two sittings of debridement. Post procedure the patient developed pancreatic fistula, which was managed successfully with stenting. Pancreatic tuberculosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis when pancreatitis is atypical. Its presentation as pancreatic abscesses with colonic perforation has not been reported so far. This condition poses difficulties in clinical diagnoses. Herein we report a case who was operated in another hospital for pancreatic abscesses, and referred to our institution later when he developed fecal peritonitis due to colonic perforation. Re-laparotomy, resection and exteriorisation of the colon were done. Acid fast bacilli was seen in the histopathological examination of the resected colon. remarkably to anti-tuberculous therapy and two sittings of debridement. Post procedure the patient developed pancreatic fistula, which was managed successfully with stenting. Pancreatic tuberculosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis when pancreatitis is atypical.
本文阐述了鱼雷舵传动装置齿轮泵产生振动噪声的机理,对其特性进行了分析。通过运行状态下的齿轮泵振动测试,应用振动诊断方法对故障原因做了初步诊断。 This paper describ
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我 曾经是个沉默寡言自我封闭的人。有时一天 和别人也说不上几句话。在中学时代,有的同学称我是“关门主义”。在陌生的人中间,我会觉得浑身不自在,办什么事情一想到要和生
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提出了分解波动系数和燃烧不稳定性系数两个概念,它们分别表征火药非等温热分解过程及定容燃烧过程的不稳定性程度.这两个参数可分别由火药的 D S C(或 T G)曲线和 u ~p 曲线数据算得,它