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代表们!上一届全国代表大会是1989年11月在河南省中牟县召开的,到现在已经过了近5年的历程。今天,胜利召开了第五次全国代表大会,共同回顾这5年来的工作,产生新的领导班子,研究今后四年的活动与任务。这是一次很重要的会议。我受第四届常务理事会的委托,作如下工作报告。 The deputies! The last National Congress was held in Zhongmou County, Henan Province in November 1989, and it has now been nearly 5 years. Today, Victory convened the Fifth National Congress to review together these five years of work, generate new leadership and study the activities and tasks for the next four years. This is a very important meeting. I was commissioned by the fourth executive council for the following work report.
竞技游泳运动员在比赛中的发挥是影响运动成绩的主观因素,其中,运动技术是关键,为此,本文对竞技游泳运动员的运动技术进行了综述,旨在为运动训练与竞赛提供指导。 Athletic
To raise traditional medicine to a higher level of scientific research,a mathematical model has been proposed using symbolic notations and operators to describe
In a recent study,Professor Rui-Ping Xiao and her research group at Institute of Molecular Medicine of Peking University has provided an essential experimental
随着国内剖宫产率的居高不下,剖宫产术后的各种远近期并发症也逐渐增多,剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕处妊娠(cesarean scar pregnancy,CSP)是一种极少见的远期并发症,属于子宫内的异位
Hepatitis C virus(HCV)infection disrupts the normal metabolism processes,but is also influenced by several of the host’s metabolic factors.An obvious and signi
AIM: To investigate whether the reduction of stem cell factor (SCF) is mediated by decreased endogenous insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 in diabetic rat colon
随着早孕期一站式唐氏综合征筛查(one-stop clinic for assessment of fetal risk,OSCAR)[1]的普及和高分辨率超声诊断仪的广泛应用,11~13+6孕周的超声筛查不仅仅局限于测量