A novel approach of proteomics to study the mechanism of action of grape seed proanthocyanidin extra

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ffgghhaz
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Background Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a leading cause of visual impairment and blindness among the people of occupational age. To prevent the progress of retina injury, effective therapies directed toward the key molecular target are required. Grape seed proanthocyanidin extracts (GSPE) have been reported to be effective in treating diabetic complications, while little is discussed about the functional protein changes. Methods We used streptozotocin (STZ) to induce diabetes in rats. GSPE (250 mg/kg body weight per day) were administrated to diabetic rats for 24 weeks. Serum glucose, glycated hemoglobin and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) were determined. Consequently, 2-D difference gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry were used to investigate retina protein profiles among control, STZ-induced diabetic rats, and GSPE treated diabetic rats. Results GSPE significantly reduced the AGEs of diabetic rats (P <0.05). Moreover, GSPE significantly suppressed the vascular lesions of central regions, decreased capillary enlargements and neovascularization, similar to those of the control rats under light microscope. Eighteen proteins were found either up-regulated or down-regulated in the retina of STZ-induced diabetic rats. And seven proteins in the retina of diabetic rats were found to be back-regulated to normal levels after GSPE therapy. These back-regulated proteins are involved in many important biological processes such as heat shock, ubiquitin-proteasome system, cell proliferation, cell growth and glucose metabolism. Conclusions These findings might promote a better understanding for the mechanism of DR, and provide novel targets for evaluating the effects of GSPE therapy.
目的 探讨声辐射力脉冲成像评价肝弹性在布加综合征治疗中的应用价值.方法 18例行球囊扩张术的布加氏综合征患者,于术前2d、术后2d、术后3个月及术后6个月利用声辐射力脉冲成像技术进行肝弹性测定,分析其变化情况.结果 16例患者成功进行球囊扩张术,患者治疗前后不同时间点肝弹性分别为(3.06±0.53)m/s、(2.13±0.50)m/s、(1.89±0.29)m/s及(1.96±0.46)m/s,
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