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人类最先进的科学技术成果,往往最先应用于军事。随着气象科学的不断发展,气象武器的效能也得到了飞速的提高,而且极有可能在未来战争中大显身手。所谓气象武器,是指为达到军事目的,运用现代气象科学技术,通过人工控制风云、雨雪、寒暑等天气变化来改变战场环境,人为制造各种特殊气象,与军事打击配合,通过对敌人实施干扰、破坏来实现战胜敌人的目的。 The most advanced scientific and technological achievements of mankind are often the first to be applied to the military. With the continuous development of meteorology, the effectiveness of meteorological weapons has also been rapidly increased, and it is highly likely that it will play an active role in future wars. The so-called meteorological weapons refers to the military purposes, the use of modern meteorological science and technology, through the manual control of the situation, rain, snow and summer and other weather changes to change the battlefield environment, artificially create a variety of special weather, and military combat cooperation, through the implementation of the enemy Interference, destruction to achieve the purpose of defeating the enemy.
三大发展特点特点之一——研究多部署少 60~80年代,随着携带核弹头的战略弹道导弹的部署型号和数量日益增加,美国和原苏联都把对战略弹道导弹的防御作为反弹道导弹武器发展的
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三月二日,市政府为了加强全市档案工作的领导,发展全市的档案事业,在市档案局会议室召开了分管档案工作的区县长会议。召开这样的会议是档案主管部门归口 March 2, the mun
春天总是最先叩响园子的竹门,然后,将去年熄灭的火把,一束一束点燃。这时候,独守空房的冬天就像一匹凄厉的狼,在骤然而来的火焰里弃阵而逃。火焰使它孤独的目光无所适从,大地的花裙子让它迷路。它夹着枯槁的尾巴,一步一步退缩。   春风猛烈地漫涌进来,园子犹如天然的火塘,星子四溅。早起的奶奶一脚踩空,落进了“大姑娘窗前绣鸳鸯”的老歌里,不能自拔。她桃花一般姣好的面容,在我们慵懒的春梦中,栩栩如生。  