
来源 :实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:connine_li
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自1958年Arruga 用Supramid 线做环扎术治疗预后不良的视网膜脱离以来,由于检查技术的进步,环扎带材料逐渐改进,手术治愈率大大提高。然而,对于环扎术引起的严重并发症一眼前节缺血(anterior segmentischaemia ASI)却未引起一些医生的足够重视。此并发症是一种潜在的致盲因素,临床上并非罕见,若将其误认为术后炎症反应或细菌感染等,必会贻误诊治,造成患眼视力丧失乃至眼球萎缩,因此,有必要提高对本症的认识。 Since 1958, Arruga Supramid line with cerclage surgery for poor prognosis of retinal detachment, due to advances in examination techniques, the ring material has been gradually improved, the surgical cure rate greatly increased. However, anterior segmentischaemia (ASI), a serious complication caused by cerclage, has not attracted enough attention from some doctors. This complication is a potential blinding factor, not clinically rare, if mistaken for postoperative inflammatory response or bacterial infection, etc., will inevitably misdiagnosis, resulting in loss of eye vision and eye atrophy, therefore, it is necessary to improve Understanding of the disease.
The crystal and molecular structures of 1-(N-dichlorophosphoryl-N-cyclohexyl) amino-1-dichlorophosphinyl-chloromethane have been determined by X-ray diffraction
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A novel complex [Ce(NO3)5(H2O)2]2(Hphen)(H2O) (phen =1,10-phenanthro-line) with formula C24H24CeN9O18 and Mr = 866.64 has been synthesized and structurally char
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Aryl selenoamides react smoothly with a-haloacetic acid in various alcohol to give corresponding bis(carboxyalkylmethyl) diselenides in good yields. Aryl selen
患者,男,66岁。因右侧鼻塞5年、双侧鼻塞3年,于1991年8月12日入院。体检:一般情况好。右侧鼻腔后段见有灰白色不规则肿物,与鼻腔外侧壁粘连。鼻咽镜检:见后鼻孔有约 2cm×2.
Two-dimensional 4,4-bipyridyllead halides, PbI_2(4,4′-bpy)(1) and PbBr_2(4,4′-bpy)(2), were synthesized. The structures were determined by means of X-ray sing