Impact of physical representations in CALMET on the simulated wind field over land during Super Typh

来源 :地球科学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bendanban
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A WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model)/CALMET (Califia Meteorological Model) coupled system is used to investigate the impact of physical representations in CALMET on simulations of the near-surface wind field of Super Typhoon Meranti (2016).The coupled system is configured with a horizontal grid spacing of 3 km in WRF and 500 m in CALMET,respectively.The model performance of the coupled WRF/ CALMET system is evaluated by comparing the results of simulations with observational data from 981 automatic surface stations in Fujian Province.The root mean square error (RMSE) of the wind speed at 10 m in all CALMET simulations is significantly less than the WRF simulation by 20%--30%,suggesting that the coupled WRF/CALMET system is capable of representing more realistic simulated wind speed than the mesoscale model only.The impacts of three physical representations including blocking effects,kinematic effects of terrain and slope flows in CALMET are examined in a specified local region called Shishe Mountain.The results show that before the typhoon landfall in Xiamen,a net downslope flow that is tangent to the terrain is generated in the west of Shishe Mountain due to blocking effects with magnitude exceeding 10 m/s.However,the blocking effects seem to take no effect in the strong wind area after typhoon landfall.Whether being affected by the typhoon strong wind or not,the slope flows move downslope at night and upslope in the daytime due to the dial variability of the local heat flux with magnitude smaller than 3 m/s.The kinematic effects of terrain,which are speculated to play a significant role in the typhoon strong wind area,can only be applied to atmospheric flows in stable conditions when the wind field is quasinondivergent.
静止无功发生器是(ASVG)是柔性交流输电系统中的一个重要组成部分,并且开始得到应用。本文对比了实现大容量无功功率补偿的电路拓扑,并选择基于现场总线(CANBUS)的模块式结构ASVG作为研究对象。对ASVG实际运行中存在的一些问题进行了较为深入的研究。 针对ASVG的dq轴下控制方式在电压不平衡时存在电流不对称的问题,提出了采用abc轴下的控制策略。仿真结果证明在电压不平衡下采用后者的补偿
本文所研究的重点是无位置传感器直流无刷电机的换向控制,电机驱动的对象为光伏水泵系统。 本文采用虚拟中点的方法来识别反电势过零点,然后对过零点进行处理得到无刷电机换向的六个关键位置。阐述了电机的三段式起动方法,在直流无刷电机由起动阶段外同步运行切换到反电势换向自同步运行的过程中采用了自寻最优点切换的方法,保证了电机在切换过程中不会发生失步和停转现象。 因为无位置传感器直流无刷电机的转子位