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马桑寄生治疗精神分裂症已取得显著疗效。鉴于马桑寄生资源较少,而马桑种子资源丰富,为了广开药源,我院药学系对马桑种子的化学成分及注射液的制备进行了研究,并用于临床,疗效肯定。马桑种子中除含有马桑毒素(corlamyrtin)、羟基马桑毒素(tutin)、马桑亭(coriatin)等倍半萜内酯类物质外,尚含有大量的马桑油,在油中是否含马桑内酯类成分,国内未见报道,为此,我们测定了马桑(Coriaria sinica Maxim.)种子含油率,对马桑油作了分离和鉴定,探讨其是否含马桑内酯类成分,为综合利用马桑种子提供参考。 Masson’s parasitic treatment of schizophrenia has achieved significant results. In view of the small amount of parasitizing resources and the rich seed resources of Masang, in order to widen the sources of medicine, the Institute of Pharmacy of our hospital studied the chemical composition of the seeds and the preparation of injections, and was used in clinical practice. In addition to containing sesquiterpene lactones such as corlamyrtin, tutin, and coriatin, the Magainian seed still contains a large amount of marshmallow oil. Lactones have not been reported in China. For this purpose, we measured the oil content of Coriaria sinica Maxim. Seeds were isolated and identified, and whether they contained the components of coriaria lactone was considered. Comprehensive use of Mason seeds for reference.
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