Beta-7 integrin controls enterocyte migration in the small intestine

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkufo
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AIM:To hypothesize that beta-7 integrin affects cellularmigration of both,lymphocytes and enterocytes.METHODS:The nucleoside analog Brd U was ip injected in beta-7-deficient mice(C57BL/6-Itgbtmlcgn/J)of male gender and age-matched male C57BL/J J mice(wild type)4,20,or 40 h before analysis.The total small intestine was isolated,dissected,and used for morphometrical studies.Brd U-positive epithelial cells were numbered in at least 15 hemi-crypts per duodenum,jejunum,and ileum of each animal.The outer most Brd U-positive cell(cellmax)was determined per hemi-crypt,numerically documented,and statistically analysed.RESULTS:Integrins containing the beta-7-chain were exclusively expressed on leukocytes.In the small intestinal mucosa of beta-7 integrin-deficient mice the number of intraepithelial lymphocytes was drastically decreased.Moreover,the Peyer’s patches of beta-7integrin-deficient mice appeared hypoplastic.In beta-7integrin-deficient mice the location of cellmax was found in a higher position than it was the case for the controls.The difference was already detected at 4 h after Brd U application,but significantly increased with time(40 h after Brd U injection)in all small intestinal segments investigated,i.e.,duodenum,jejunum,and ileum.Migration of small intestinal enterocytes was different between the experimental groups measured by cellmax locations.CONCLUSION:The E-cadherin beta-7 integrin pathway probably controls migration of enterocytes within the small intestinal surface lining epithelial layer. AIM: To hypothesize that beta-7 integrinosis cellularmigration of both, lymphocytes and enterocytes. METHODS: The nucleoside analog Brd U was ip injected in beta-7-deficient mice (C57BL / 6-Itgbtmlcgn / J) of male gender and age- matched male C57BL / JJ mice (wild type) 4,20, or 40 h before analysis. The total small intestine was isolated, dissected, and used for morphometrical studies. Br U-positive epithelial cells were numbered at at least 15 hemi-crypts per duodenum, jejunum, and ileum of each animal. outer most Brd U-positive cell (cellmax) was determined per hemi-crypt, numerically documented, and statistically analyzed .RESULTS: Integrins containing the beta-7-chain were exclusively expressed on leukocytes. in the small intestinal mucosa of beta-7 integrin-deficient mice the number of intraepithelial lymphocytes was drastically decreased. Moreover, the Peyer’s patches of beta-7 integrin-deficient mice had hypoplastic. beta-7 integrin-deficient mice the location of cellmax was found in a higher position than it was the case for the difference. The difference was already detected at 4 h after Brd U application, but significantly increased with time (40 h after Brd U injection) in all small intestinal segments investigated, ie, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Migration of small intestinal enterocytes was different between the experimental groups measured by cellmax locations. CONCLUSION: The E-cadherin beta-7 integrin pathway probably controls migration of enterocytes within the small intestinal surface lining epithelial layer.
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