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21世纪,世界将全面进入信息时代。整个社会的基础也将发生改变,传统经济逐步向“知识经济”过渡,在这种改变和过渡中,信息的发展将起到先导和最重要的作用。作为一个领导者,如果不把握这一发展趋势及其对政治、经济、社会、生活方式甚至思维方式影响的话,就不能把握未来。怎样跟上时代步伐,吸收滚滚而来的信息是每个人尤其是领导者面临的重要课题。因此,新的世纪、新的生产方式和生活方式要求各级领导必须改变思维方式、领导方法,在提高多种能力的前提下,努力提高信息开发能力。一个领导者只有是占领了信息开发的制高点,才能在领导工作中获得主动地位。 In the 21st century, the world will fully enter the information age. The foundation of the whole society will also change. The traditional economy will gradually transition to a “knowledge-based economy.” In this process of change and transition, the development of information will play a leading and most important role. As a leader, we can not grasp the future unless we grasp this trend of development and its impact on the political, economic, social, lifestyle and even thinking modes. How to keep up with the pace of the times and absorb the billowing information is an important issue that everyone, especially leaders, is facing. Therefore, in the new century, new modes of production and lifestyles require that leaders at all levels must change their way of thinking and lead the way and work hard to improve their information development capabilities under the premise of enhancing various capabilities. Only when a leader occupies the high ground of information development can he gain the initiative in leadership work.
目的探讨迷走神经刺激术治疗药物难治性癫的疗效和术后最佳刺激参数。方法共71例药物难治性癫患者均接受迷走神经刺激术,Mc Hugh分级评价手术疗效,术后行刺激参数调试以
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介绍南非近25年来重载运输的发展及采用货车自导向转向架的经济效益。 Describe the development of heavy-haul transport in South Africa in the past 25 years and the ec