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藏学是研究藏族社会历史和文化形态等方面的一门综合性学科。目前,藏学已发展成为举世瞩目的国际性学科,研究领域日趋扩大。我国现有五十余家藏学研究机构,—千多名专家学者。欧美和日本的许多大学也都设有专门的藏学研究机构,并且已经取得比较丰硕的研究成果。随着藏学研究在世界范围内的发展,中外藏学文献互译的重要性也愈显突出,其意义远远超出学术交流的范畴。向国外译介我国藏学研究成果,让世界了解西藏历史和现状是我国对外宣传的一项重要任务;而引进和翻译国外藏学研究论著既是中外学术和文化交流的重要形式,又可以为有关方面制定决策提供重要参考依据。 Tibetan studies is a comprehensive discipline that studies Tibetan social history and cultural patterns. At present, Tibetology has developed into a world-renowned international discipline, and research fields are expanding. There are more than 50 Tibetan research institutes in our country, over 1,000 experts and scholars. Many universities in Europe, the United States and Japan also have specialized research institutes for Tibetan studies and have achieved fruitful research results. With the development of Tibetan studies in the world, the importance of mutual translation of Chinese and foreign Tibetan literature has become more and more prominent, which is far beyond the scope of academic exchange. It is an important task for our country’s foreign propaganda to translate and introduce the research results of Tibetan studies in foreign countries and to make the world understand the history and present conditions of Tibet. Introducing and translating foreign studies on Tibetan studies is not only an important form of academic and cultural exchange between China and other countries, Provide an important reference for making decisions.
患儿男 ,10岁 ,因反复发热 1个月于 2 0 0 3年 3月 3日入院。此前曾多次在外院就诊 ,曾用过先锋霉素、青霉素及穿琥宁等药物 ,并不规律应用氟美松数次。用药时体温可降至正常
配件编号配件名称生产单位车用量VTI—L(普通型)VTI—E(豪华型)1481l POA 000114812 POA 0001118lO PAH TOOl11820 POA 0001 Ol11830 POA 020014111 PAD G00114711 POA 00031
Molecular dynamics were used to investigate the interaction between norfloxacin and DNA duplex. The results showed that norfloxacin was situated in the minor gr
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2016年11月12日,空军八一飞行表演队中队长、我国首位歼-10女飞行员余旭在飞行训练中发生事故,不幸牺牲。她的生命乐章虽不长,却跳跃着震撼人心的节拍。  余旭生于1986年。2005年,空军首次招收歼击机女飞行学员,19岁的余旭从全国20多万应届高中毕业生中脱颖而出,与另外34个女孩一起成为中国第八批女飞行学员。第一次体能训练课,她就意识到自己选择的绝不是一条轻松的路。最初的一个月里,跑步是每
The stability constants of some ternary mixed-ligand complexes, Pt(Phen)(CA)+, where Phen=1,10-phenanthroline and CA- =carboxylate, were determined by means of