
来源 :金田 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanderooy
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高职高专教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,是具有中国特色的应用型人才培养模式的重要探索,是国家工业化和生产社会化、现代化的重要支柱。近年来,在国家的大力发展和推动下,高职高专教育开始迅速发展,已经成为除普通高等教育以外的我国高等教育人才培养的重要形式。然而在就业竞争日益激烈的环境下,高职生被挤到了竞争的边缘。此次采取发放问卷、实地走访、访谈法对河北省高职高专生的就业情况进行调查,分析研究河北省高职高专生的就业特点,指出了高职高专毕业生就业中存在的问题,并对此提出了若干建议。 Higher vocational education is an important part of higher education in our country. It is an important exploration of cultivating applied talents with Chinese characteristics and is an important pillar of national industrialization and socialization and modernization of production. In recent years, under the vigorous development and promotion of the state, the education of higher vocational colleges and universities has begun to develop rapidly, and has become an important form of personnel training for higher education in China other than general higher education. However, under the increasingly competitive employment environment, vocational students are squeezed to the edge of competition. The survey questionnaire, field visits and interviews were used to investigate the employment situation of higher vocational college students in Hebei Province. The employment characteristics of higher vocational college students in Hebei Province were analyzed and analyzed, and the employment problems existed in higher vocational college graduates Problems, and made a number of suggestions on this issue.
小学校档案包括文书档案、教学档案、学籍档案、教师业务档案和财务档案五类。 文书档案:包括上级发来的带指令性和法规性的文件;本校与其他单位和个人签订的合同、协议;本
目的探讨乌司他丁(Ulinastatin,UTI)联合连续性血液净化(continuous blood purification,CBP)治疗急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS)的有效性。
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