
来源 :岩土力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zlyfeng
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考虑地质力学模型试验的边界条件:一是等位移边界条件,二是等应力边界条件。由于深部岩体介质具有储能特性,在进行深地下地质力学模型试验时,模型边界应设置于弹性区,除满足试验模型表面均匀应力场条件外,需更多考虑加载边界处试验装置的整体刚度,其能及时补给模型因开挖卸荷导致围岩回弹所需的能量,并提供一回弹刚度,边界上应力可随此刚度进行调节。探讨并分析了试验装置刚度对围岩破坏模式的影响,分别以弹性模型和弹塑性模型计算了卸荷时围岩的回弹刚度。将碟簧引入加载框架,并对碟簧系统进行设计,通过试验对碟簧系统刚度进行验证。研究表明,该新型加卸载试验系统能更精确地模拟深部岩体原始属性,可适用于深地下工程地质力学模型试验。 Consider the geomechanical model test boundary conditions: one is the displacement boundary conditions, and the other is the stress boundary conditions. Due to the energy storage characteristics of the deep rock mass medium, the model boundary should be set in the elastic region during the deep underground geomechanical model test. In addition to satisfying the uniform stress field conditions on the surface of the test model, more consideration should be given to the overall loading of the test device at the boundary Stiffness, which can promptly replenish the energy required to rebound the surrounding rock due to excavation and unloading, and provide a rebound stiffness, the stress on the boundary can be adjusted with this stiffness. The influence of the stiffness of the test device on the failure mode of surrounding rock is discussed and analyzed. The springback stiffness of the surrounding rock at unloading is calculated by elastic model and elasto-plastic model respectively. Introduce the disc spring into the loading frame, design the disc spring system and verify the stiffness of the disc spring system through experiments. The research shows that the new loading and unloading test system can simulate the original properties of deep rock mass more accurately and can be applied to deep underground engineering geomechanics model test.
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