千里之外 奥迪A3 Sportback e-tron

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A3这是一件非常神奇的事——早在1989年,脑洞大开的奥迪工程师们就已经造出了一台混动车duo(双驱动概念车),而值得欣慰的是,duo的理念终于在21世纪与汽车圈的流行趋势汇合,这个新的产物就是A3e-tron。作为百姓第一款有福消受的e-tron车型,拥有940公里续航里程的A3 e-tron可以轻松地“送你离开千里之外”。 A3 This is a very amazing thing - as early as 1989, brain-opened Audi engineers have already created a hybrid duo (dual-drive concept car), and the good news is that duo’s philosophy Finally in the 21st century and automotive circles the trend of convergence, this new product is A3e-tron. As the first blessed e-tron model for the people, the A3 e-tron with 940 km range can easily “send you away from miles.”
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作为奥迪首款实现量产的e-tron插电式混合动力车型,A3 e-tron创新地将一台1.4TFSI发动机、一部80kW电动机、一部6速e-S tronic双离合变速器,和一个容量。为8.8kW/h的高压电池
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Chemosensors and imaging probes have been the focus of significant research interest over the past few decades.In part due to ease of preparation and simplicity