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一、概述在自动测量和自动控制系统中,由于传感器本身固有的非线性,常常影响到整个系统的测量精确度和控制精确度。因而,对传感器的非线性输出进行线性化处理,是保证整个系统测量精确度所必须采取的措施。目前,对于传感器的线性化处理,一般采用模拟分段折线化、模拟器件特性化、计算法、插值法、查表法等几种方法。前两种方法成本低,精确度也低,后三种方法精确度高,但需计算机,对于无计算机的用户有一定的困难。下面介绍的高精度非线性数字面板表,就是一种既不使用计算机,又有较高精确度,造价也不高的线性化方法。二、非线性面板表原理简介非线性面板表采用了查表法,利用“单板机”将表格内容事先写入EPROM,从而实现传感器的线性化处 I. Overview In automatic measurement and automatic control system, due to the sensor’s inherent nonlinear, often affect the entire system measurement accuracy and control accuracy. Therefore, linearizing the nonlinear output of the sensor is a measure that must be taken to ensure the measurement accuracy of the entire system. At present, for the sensor linearization, the general use of analog segmentation polyline, the characteristics of analog devices, calculation, interpolation, table look-up method and several other methods. The first two methods have low cost and low accuracy, and the latter three methods have high precision, but require a computer, which has some difficulties for a computer without a computer. The following describes the high-precision non-linear digital panel meter, is a neither a computer, but also a higher accuracy, cost is not high linearization method. Second, the non-linear panel table principle Introduction Non-linear panel table using the look-up table method, the use of “single-board machine ” to form the contents of the EPROM in advance, so as to achieve linear sensor
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