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为了解与验光配镜密切相关的试镜架、试镜片、电脑验光仪等公用物品的细菌污染状况,我们于1997年8月对这些物品的细菌污染状况进行了调查。1对象与方法1.1对象:随机抽取城区内12家眼镜店的对付试镜架,36块试镜片,3台电脑验光仪。1.2方法:用无菌棉签以涂抹的方法采样。其 In order to understand the bacterial contamination of public objects such as trial frames, trial lenses, and computer refractometers, which are closely related to optometry, we investigated the bacterial contamination of these items in August 1997. 1 objects and methods 1.1 objects: Randomly sampled from 12 optical shops in the city to deal with the trial frame, 36 test lenses, 3 computer refractometer. 1.2 Method: Use a sterile cotton swab to sample by smearing. its
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目的 研究带 3蛋白与红细胞膜流动性的关系及其在病理状态下的改变。方法 对血液病及高血压患者红细胞膜带 3蛋白相对含量、红细胞膜流动性及血浆MDA分别进行了测定。结果