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一、概况牙科与临床各科在器械和医疗技术上有几个特点: 1.在医药卫生事业上,牙科能标志这一个国家整个的医疗水平,具有代表性。 2.牙科的许多器械设备和该国家工业先进程度密切相连。譬如,涡轮机是喷气式飞机的工艺水平。钨钢车针及冷光灯和特种塑料的材料学常采用宇航事业里的材料学理论。在牙科器械设备中,牙科综合治疗台和牙科椅子 I. Overview Dental and clinical subjects in the equipment and medical technology has several features: 1. In the medical and health undertakings, dental can mark the entire country’s medical standards, representative. 2. Many dental equipment are closely linked with the country’s industrial sophistication. For example, a turbine is a jet engine craft level. The material science of tungsten steel car and cold light lamps and specialty plastics often uses the material science theory of aerospace industry. In dental equipment, dental units and dental chairs
【Abstract】This paper attempts to concentrate on the often-neglected character Nick in The Great Gatsby from the aspect of his structural and thematic roles in the novel. Nick is confronted with the st
你有没有过这样的苦恼:辛辛苦苦把宝宝带大,从怀中解放出来了,可他一与同伴玩耍,就又冒出了一大堆交际问题。宝宝的交往能力到底如何呢? Have you ever been so distressed: hard
I am always punctual. 我总是很准时。  Don’t be so modest. 别谦虚了。  I am flattered. 过奖了。  I am on your side. 我支持你。  Well, it depends. 噢,这得看情况。  It is up in the air. 悬而未决。  That is the latest fashion. 这是最新的款式。  
本文提出一种新型的用于四象限探测的光学系统,该系统可以用点探测器代替面探测器。本文分析了系统原理,给出了初步实验结果。 In this paper, a new type of optical syste
女儿用的洗发水是草莓味的,她很喜欢。有一次,女儿吃草莓夹心饼干,一边吃一边像发现了新大陆一样地说:“这个点心是洗发水味儿的!” Her daughter's shampoo is strawberry-
本文着重介绍计量光栅使用原理、计量光栅的机械刻划工艺、照相复制技术和光栅精度测量等。 This article focuses on the use of metrology grating principle, metrology