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写文章讲究遣词造句谋篇,遣词是基础。说话要让人听懂,写文章要准确地表达作者的意思,不能不讲究正确地使用文字。为把文章写好,自古以来,语言大师、文学大家无不讲究“咬文嚼字”和“推敲”的,并留下佳话无数。虽然“咬文嚼字”有时被说成“迂执”,但是,文字在“咬”、“嚼”中使用精确了;科学技术由于经过“咬”、“嚼”过的文字的传播,把社会推向前进了;社会政冶、经济、文化也由于“咬文嚼字”,越来越发展。可见,“咬文嚼字”不仅是文字工作也是社会生活中不可或缺的“功夫”。写文章不咬文嚼字,就不能把要表达的意思说清楚;制定法律政策,不咬文嚼字,法律政策就会发生歧义而无法执行……。现在,不少文章作者由于“咬”、“嚼”的功夫尚不扎实,因而他们的文章中语言文字混乱错讹、词不达意的现象时有所见。这种现象在本刊中也不是个别的。为促进本刊语言文字规范化,提高刊物质量,从本期起开辟《咬文嚼字》专栏,对本刊所载文章中不规范文字乃至语法差错及标点符号的误用进行分析评改。欢迎读者赐稿。来稿请对所批评文字注明期数和页码,并力求突出针对性、科学性和知识性。 Write articles pay attention to words made of articles, the word is the foundation. Speaking to make people understand, write an article to accurately express the author’s meaning, can not but pay attention to the proper use of words. To write the article, since ancient times, language masters, literary all of them pay attention to “bite the word” and “scrutiny”, and leave numerous stories. Although “bite” is sometimes said to be “detached”, the use of words in “bite” and “chew” is precise; and because of the spread of “biting” and “chewing” words, science and technology push the society toward Advance; social politics, economy, culture, also because of “biting the word”, more and more development. Visible, “biting the word” is not only a literary work is also indispensable in the social life of “Kung Fu.” Write articles that do not bite the word, you can not say what you want to express clearly; formulate laws and policies, do not bite the word, law and policy will be ambiguous and unable to enforce ... .... Nowadays, many article writers are not solidified in their efforts to “chew” or “chew.” This phenomenon is not isolated in this issue. In order to promote the normalization of the language of the journal and improve the quality of the journal, we have opened up the column of “bite the word” from this issue to analyze and comment on the misuse of non-standard characters, grammatical errors and punctuation in the articles contained in the journal. Welcome readers give draft. Please indicate the period and number of the criticism of the manuscript and strive to highlight the relevance, scientific and intellectual.
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