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上海杰事杰新材料股份有限公司是一家专业从事工程塑料研究开发及产业化的高科技企业。公司成立于1992年,经过七年多的时间,杰事杰从60万元借款起家,到1994年的股份合作制,发展至今成为拥有四家控股公司、五家参股公司、注册资金3000万元的产权明晰的股份有限公司,1999年公司及关联企业完成销售额3.39亿元,利税4226万元。自1993年起,公司连续七年被认定为上海市高新技术企业,1994年被中国科学院认定为工程塑料国家工程研究中心上海基地,1996年成为上海市新材料研究中心理事,1998年被推选为新成立的中国工程塑料工业协会副理事长单位。公司先后累计承担了8项国家级、15项上海市级科研项目。 Shanghai Jie Jie New Materials Co., Ltd. is a professional engineering plastics research and development and industrialization of high-tech enterprises. Founded in 1992, after more than seven years, Jiejie Jie started from 600,000 yuan loan to 1994 joint-stock cooperative system, the development has become a holding company with four, five shares of the company with a registered capital of 30 million yuan Of the property rights of a clear limited company, in 1999 the company and its affiliates completed sales of 339 million yuan, profits and taxes 42.26 million yuan. Since 1993, the company has been recognized as a high-tech enterprise in Shanghai for seven consecutive years. In 1994, it was recognized as the Shanghai Engineering Base National Engineering Research Center by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1996, it became the director of Shanghai New Materials Research Center. In 1998, The newly established China Engineering Plastics Industry Association vice president of units. The company has assumed a total of eight national, 15 Shanghai-level research projects.
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数学家们一直为诺贝尔奖项中缺乏数学奖而抱怨。最接近该奖的“菲尔兹奖” (FieldsMedal)每 4年授予一次 ,名额不到 40个 ,其声势要比诺贝尔奖小得多 ,更不用说奖金的数额了。但出于挪威
从前,有一个非常富有的人,他住在一座漂亮的房子里,还有一个美丽的花园,这个富翁长着一副蓝色的胡子,因此人们都叫他“蓝胡子”。在这个富翁的房子附近住着一个贫 Once upon
女 ,2 5岁。反复咽部疼痛伴溃疡 1年 ,左面部肿胀及胃部不适 2月余。体检 :消瘦 ,左鼻腔外侧肿胀 ,境界不清 ,会厌舌面溃疡 ,咽部软组织肿胀溃烂。胃肠钡餐检查见胃窦部及体
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1.It's hot enough to melt hell.I hope it will be cooler soon.现在热得足以把地狱熔化了,希望很快能够凉快一点。2.It's stifling!I can hardly breathe.天气太闷热了!我