
来源 :抗战文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gichurn
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在纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利70周年的日子里,抗战文化研究知名专家李建平等推出了长期研究的成果《广西抗战文化史》(李建平、盘福东著,广西人民出版社,2015年8月出版),记录了广西在抗日战争时期的文化抗战历史和贡献。广西是中国抗日战争中出力巨大、贡献颇多的省份,仅1300万人口就动员和组织兵员100万,李宗仁指挥台儿庄大战,长期镇守安徽、鄂西,白崇禧进入军事中枢参与指挥全国军事抗战这些出兵出将的数据和实例就能很好地说明。广西在抗日战争时期不仅有出兵数十万北上抗日,在淞沪会战、徐州会战、武汉会战、随枣会战等战场英勇抗敌,血染沙场,并在广西本土开展昆仑关 In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Li Jianping, a well-known expert on the study of anti-Japanese culture, launched the long-term research achievement “Cultural History of Anti-Japanese War in Guangxi” (Li Jianping, Pan Fudong, Guangxi People’s Publishing House, August 2015 Published), documenting the history and contribution of Guangxi in the War of Resistance Against Japan during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Guangxi Province is a province with a tremendous contribution and contribution to the war of resistance against Japan. Only 13 million people mobilized and organized 1 million soldiers. Li Tsung-jen directed Taierzhuang War and long-term guarding of Anhui, western Hubei and Bai Chongxi into the military center. Command of the National Anti-Japanese War These troops Out of the data and examples will be able to explain. During the Anti-Japanese War, Guangxi not only sent hundreds of thousands of troops to the north to fight the Japanese invaders, bloody battlefields such as Songhu Battle, Xuzhou Battle, Wuhan Battle,
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1.It's hot enough to melt hell.I hope it will be cooler soon.现在热得足以把地狱熔化了,希望很快能够凉快一点。2.It's stifling!I can hardly breathe.天气太闷热了!我