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手术是治疗Fuchs白内障的有效方法,但是否一期或二期植入人工晶体是眼科医生应当考虑的问题。作者自1992年至1994年两年间,采用现代白内障囊外摘除联合一期后房型人工晶体植入术治疗Fuchs白内障12例(12眼),报告如下。1 材料与方法1.1 一般资料:12例中,男性8例,女性4例。年龄22岁至45岁(平均34岁)。术后随访2~26个月。术前视力20cm手动至0.02,光定位准确,光色觉正常。其中可见灰白色KP者4例,房水闪光者2例。全部病例均有虹膜脱色,基质萎缩,无虹膜后粘连。术前眼压低于2.74kPa。 Surgery is an effective method of treatment of Fuchs cataract, but whether I or II implants intraocular lens is an ophthalmologist should consider. The author from 1992 to 1994 years, the use of modern extracapsular cataract extraction combined with a posterior chamber phacoemulsification Fuchs cataract in 12 cases (12 eyes), the report is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information: 12 cases, 8 males and 4 females. Ages 22 to 45 (average 34 years). Postoperative follow-up 2 to 26 months. Preoperative visual acuity 20cm manually to 0.02, light positioning accuracy, light color sense normal. Which can be seen in 4 cases of gray-white KP, room flash in 2 cases. All cases have iris decolorization, matrix atrophy, no adhesion after the iris. Preoperative intraocular pressure less than 2.74kPa.
The isothermal oxidation behavior at 900―1300℃ for 20 h in air of bulk Ti3AlC2 with 2.8 wt% TiC sintered by means of hot pressing was investigated in the work
我院于1985至1997年设有传染科病房的12年期间,共收治腹泻病住院患儿3 170例(不包括新生儿),死亡38例,占住院腹泻病患儿总数的1.2%,现将38例死亡病例分析报告如下。
A domain knowledge driven user interface development approach is described.As a conceptual de-sign of the user interface,the domain knowledge defines the user
新春寄语期 (页 )任重道远 1(7)…………………………………………………企业信息化CAD/CAM系统的网络集成研究 1(16)…………………………MTO型中小企业ERP系统计划管理模块
我院1996年1月至1998年12月共收治眼外伤135例,基保眼球穿孔伤48例,占35.5%,现分析报告如下。1 临床资料 48例均为单眼伤,右眼22例,左眼26例。其中男39例,女9例,男女之比为4.
CPMEC (China Petroleum Materials & Equipment Corporation) is a spcciali/cd service company fully owned by China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) approved b
背景他汀降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL),预防血管事件,但它对低危者的净效应如何?仍不肯定。方法本荟萃分析包括22项他汀与对照比较的临床试验(134 537人,平均LDL差异1.08 mmo