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邢良俊,一位端庄文静、朴实谦和的文学编辑。初次相识,她那平静的神态和那眼镜片后透出的目光,会使你感到手足无措,你仿佛是她审视的一部书稿。相处久了,你会感到那神态和目光无时不充溢着温和与善良,在这更深处,你会感到一股火焰在燃烧着,她燃烧着自己,她照亮着别人。20多年了,那上千万字的书稿中浸透着她不尽的心血,《悲惨世界》(节译本)、《巴山不了情》、《布达拉宫的枪声》、《当代苏联文学作品选》、《翻译文学选刊》……这一部部文学作品发表的同时,也伴随着她生活的痛苦、艰辛和欢乐。而当这些书籍获奖时,她没声张,更没有炫耀,她如同她的名字,躲在了封二、封三那并不起眼的地方,这名字,只是说明了一种责任和义务。然而,没有这封内不起眼的名字,会有封面的光彩与荣耀吗?一个个文学新秀——贾平凹、陈忠实、邹志安、和谷、莫伸……就是在这默默的辛劳之中被推向了当代文坛。 Xing Liangjun, a dignified, simple and modest literary editor. For the first time acquaintance, her calm demeanor and the glance from behind the ophthalmic lens will make you feel helpless, you seem to be a manuscript she reviewed. With a long time, you will feel that demeanor and eyes are filled with warmth and kindness from time to time, deeper in this, you will feel a flame burning, she burned himself, she lit others. For more than 20 years, the tens of millions of words in her manuscript are infused with her endless painstaking efforts, such as Les Miserables (Festival Verse), Bashan Can not Emotion, Potala Shooting at the Potala Palace, Contemporary Soviet Literary Works Selected Works “,” Translation Literary Selection "...... This part of the literature published at the same time, but also accompanied by her pain, hardships and joy. When these books won the award, she did not say anything, but did not show off. She is like her name, hiding in the sealed two, sealed three that is inconspicuous place, the name, just shows a responsibility and obligation. However, without this humble name, there will be a cover of glory and glory? A rookie of literature - Jia Pingwa, Chen Zhongshi, Zou Zhian, and Valley, Mo Yan ... ... is in this quiet hard work was pushed To the contemporary literary world.
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