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近年来,“吃糖有害健康”的说法在社会上流传甚广,人们怕吃糖而引起疾病,甚至减寿的舆论也在与日俱增。 那么,“食糖有害健康”的论点,源于何处呢?主要系一些医学家认为,多吃糖在体内可转化为脂肪,成为若干疾病的诱发因素。上个世纪70年代,英国伦敦大学营养学教授尤德金就曾告诉人们,吃糖是患动脉硬化、心脏病、糖尿病、乳腺 In recent years, the saying that “eating sweets is harmful to health” spreads widely in the society. People are afraid of causing diseases caused by eating sweets, and even public opinion about life expectancy is also increasing. Well, “sugar is harmful to health,” the argument originated from where? Mainly some medical experts believe that eating more sugar in the body can be converted into fat, a disease-induced factors. 70s of last century, University of London nutrition professor Youde Jin once told people that eating sugar is suffering from atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, breast
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Currently, polarization visualization strategies are accomplished by mapping polarization information into a perceptually uniform color appearance model CAM02-UCS. However, the deviation of the CAM02-
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随着我国天然矿泉水产业的发展,国家技术监督局于1995年对GB8537—87国家标准进行了修订,重新发布TGB8537—1995新的国家标准,以代替GB8537—87国家标准.新的标准於1995年8月27日发布,于1996年8月1日实施. GB8537—1 With the developm