关注有效操作 积累活动经验

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《课程标准(2011年版)》特别强调要关注学生的数学活动经验,将积累数学活动经验作为重要的数学课程目标。有专家指出,所谓数学活动经验,是指在数学目标的指引下,通过对具体事物进行实际的操作、考察和思考,从感性向理性飞跃所积淀下来的认识;也有专家认为,数学活动经验,专指对具体、形象的事物进行具体操作所获得的经验,以区别于广义的数学思维所获得的经验;还有专家认为,数学活动经验是指学习者在参 The Curriculum Standards (2011 Edition) places particular emphasis on focusing on students’ experience in math activities and building upon the experience of math activities as an important math curriculum goal. Some experts pointed out that the so-called mathematical activity experience refers to the mathematical goals under the guidance of the actual operation of the specific things, inspection and thinking, from sensibility to rational leap accumulated by the understanding; some experts believe that the experience of mathematical activities, Specifically refers to the specific, the image of the specific operation of the experience gained to distinguish the generalized mathematical thinking gained experience; there are experts believe that the experience of mathematical activity refers to the learner in the reference
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