Free Convention Heat Transfer from an Isothermal Horizontal Thin Strip: the Influence of the Prandtl

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruinx
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Simultaneous free convection above and below a uniformly heated horizontal plate has been widely investigated,both in the case of an isothermal surface,and of a uniformly heated surface,but always assuming only air as fluid(Pr=0.7).Nevertheless,there are works dealing with horizontal plates whose results show that the Nu dependence on Pr may not be simply expressed by a power law with the same exponent of the Gr one.So it was considered useful to study the Prandtl number influence in the case of the isothermal horizontal strip.Results show that,while for the lower surface of the strip the Nu dependence in Gr can be expressed by a power law with an exponent close to the Gr one,for the upper surface the exponent is sensibly different.Correlating equations related to the investigated situations are proposed. Simultaneous free convection above and below a uniformly heated horizontal plate has been widely investigated, both in the case of an isothermal surface, and of uniformly-warped surfaces, but always assuming only air as fluid (Pr = 0.7) .Nevertheless, there are works dealing with horizontal plates whose results show that the Nu dependence on Pr may not be simply expressed by a power law with the same exponent of the Gr one.So it was considered useful to study the Prandtl number influence in the case of the isothermal horizontal strip . Results show that, while for the lower surface of the strip the Nu dependence in Gr can be expressed by a power law with an exponent close to the Gr one, for the upper surface the exponent is sensibly different. Correlating equations related to the investigated situations are proposed.
三年前在延安遇到彦君,陕北便又多了一个朋友。后来彦君请假来了我的班上画画,接着又考上了硕士,朋友也就跟着变成了“学生”。不过尽管面上这么叫,私下里朋友还是没变的。  与彦君几年相处,算算也曾有那么几次煞有介事地教习和指导,但那么浮皮潦草的说说看看就能使人把画画好了?这个我却不相信。我不太习惯画家太有论家的思路和辩说,并嫌恶着那些教条、空泛、词不达意的论理与虚学。与此相比,我更在意学生多动手实践和勤
我們以学生的现实发展水平为基点,在学生的最近发展区内精心设计数学学习活动,不断将学生的潜在发展水平转化为现实发展水平。  1.分析课前调研数据,设计学习活动  课前诊断分析能让教师发现学生的现有水平和可能达到的水平,在最近发展区设计活动,让学生从现有水平轻松地过渡到新的最近发展区。  如在学习“11-20各数的认识”之前对学生进行调研,发现90%以上的学生能够借助直观的实物数出11-20之间的数,
连绵起伏的一脉山水,峰壑幽深,云烟弥漫,山坳中清泉折叠,瀑布并挂,坡脚间松林交荫,掩映山居茅屋……这样的山水华滋润泽,灵动蕴藉,弥漫着深邃清远的虚灵之气。画面墨法变化微妙,意韵精致,展现出一份凝重恬静之美。  这就是刘奎的山水世界。  站在刘奎的画室里,仿佛置身于这些宣纸上的山水林舍间,潺潺溪水从身边哗哗趟过,逐渐湿润了观者内心深处干枯的角落,也就有了风吹闲云动,有了树摇倦鸟飞……这是一种妙不可言