
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jmrys
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为了培养学生独立思考、独立閱讀的能力,在教学中貫彻精讲多练的精神、启发学生积极思維是很重要的。那么,讲授古典文学作品也可以让学生多活动嗎?对这个問題,我在教学中曾走过一段弯路:最初,认为古典作品文字艰深难懂,內容距离学生生活又远,只能教师讲学生听。結果,学生只会死記硬背,不能举一反三地迅速提高閱讀古典作品的能力。以后,又片面地强調学生多活动,詞語让学生誹,教师仅予以詞义解释上的帮助;內容让学生分析,教师仅予以启发引导。結果,耕得干干巴巴,空空洞洞,词语与內容互相稅离,意境全无,效果更差。后来,我和教研组的同志們一道认真钻研了精耕多练的精神,明确了精讲并不等于細讲、少讲,而是要抓住作品的精华,抓住学生学习过程中的矛盾所在,讲深讲透,真正解决关鍵問題;多练并不单純是为了让学生多 In order to cultivate students ’ability of independent thinking and independent reading, it is very important to inspire students’ active thinking in teaching and practicing the spirit of stressing and practicing. So, teaching classical works of literature can also allow students to more activities? On this issue, I have come a long way in teaching: initially, that difficult to understand the text of classical works difficult to understand, content from the student life far away, only teachers say students listen. As a result, students will only rote and can not quickly and easily improve their ability to read classical works. Later, they also stressed that one-sided activities of students, the words make students defamatory, the teacher only to help explain the meaning of the word; the content for students to analyze, the teacher is only inspired to guide. As a result, farming has dried up and dried up empty holes, with the words and contents taxing away from each other, leaving no mood and no effect. Later, I and my teaching and research team comrades carefully studied the spirit of more intensive farming practice, clear does not mean that the fine speak, speak less, but to grasp the essence of the work, to seize the students in the process of conflict , Speak thoroughly, really solve the key issues; more training is not simply to allow students to more