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说“去”具备一定古代汉语知识的同志,都知道古代汉语中的“去”,与现代汉语中的“去”一样,是个动词;词义却不同,现代汉语的“去”着眼于行动的目的,古代汉语则着眼于出发点。例如: “孟子去齐”应译作“孟子离开齐国”,而不能按现代汉语的习惯,理解为“孟子向齐国走。”同样道理,现代汉语的例句“我去食堂”,也不能按古汉语的习惯,理解为“我离开食堂”。但是,在具体把上述分别用于阅读古文时,我们却经常能见到不正确的解释。例如。“譬如朝露,去日苦多”。(《短歌行》) 华东师范大学出版社出版的《大学语文》就注解说,“去日,过去的日子。苦多,恨多。”这个注释有两个毛病:一,“去日”解为“过去了的日子”,是按照现代汉语的习惯解释的,忽略了“去”的词义,古今不同。二,按这个解释,同时也忽略了“譬如朝露”的比喻。我以为,曹操这里把人的一生,比做“朝露”,是为了极言其短暂,人生如朝露,转瞬即将完结。在这转瞬即逝的时日,想到功业未就,其心中的悲苦当然是很多的,很深厚的。把上下句连起来,“去日”就不应当解作“过去了的日子”了,而应解为“在即将离开人世的时候,心中的悲苦是十分深厚的。”我提出这个句子的意思是想要说明,读古文应注意古今汉语的区别。戡然不同的好分辨,稍有不同的易忽略,这是一方面。还有一种是按现代汉语习惯似乎也能讲通,于是就驾轻就熟地讲下去了,殊不知已经讲错了。比如陶渊明的《归田园居·其一》“少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。误落尘网中,一去十三年。”按现代汉语习惯似乎是陶渊明误入尘网十三年,其实 Comrades who say “go” to have knowledge of ancient Chinese knowledge all know that the “go” in ancient Chinese is the same as the “go” in modern Chinese; it is a verb; the meaning of the word is different, and the “go” of modern Chinese focuses on the purpose of action. Ancient Chinese is focused on the starting point. For example: “Mencius goes to Qi” should be translated as “Mencius left Qi”, but not according to the habit of modern Chinese, it is understood as “Mencius goes to Qi.” Similarly, the sentence in modern Chinese “I go to the canteen” cannot be pressed. The habit of ancient Chinese is understood as “I leave the cafeteria.” However, we often see incorrect explanations when we specifically use the above for reading ancient texts. E.g. “For instance, Chaolu, there is more bitterness in going to Japan.” (“Short songs”) “College Chinese” published by East China Normal University Press commented that “Going to Japan, the days of the past are more bitter and more hateful.” This comment has two problems: First, the solution to “go to the sun” As the “days passed by,” it is interpreted in accordance with the habits of modern Chinese, ignoring the meaning of “going” and is different from ancient to modern. Second, according to this explanation, at the same time, it ignores the metaphor of “such as Zhao Lu.” I think that Cao Cao here compares a person’s life to “Dr. Dew” in order to express his short-lived life. In this fleeting time, I think of the fact that the work is not done, and the sadness in his heart is of course very, very profound. To link the sentences above and below, “going to the sun” should not be interpreted as “the days of the past,” but should be interpreted as “When you are about to leave this world, the sadness in your heart is very profound.” I made the meaning of this sentence. It is to explain that reading ancient Chinese should pay attention to the difference between ancient and modern Chinese. It’s an aspect that is very different and easy to ignore. Another type of people seems to be able to speak in accordance with the habits of modern Chinese. Therefore, they talked about it with great ease, and they did not know that they had been wrong. For example, Tao Yuanming’s “Landing in the Garden, One of the Past,” “has no rhyme, and sexuality loves Qishan. In the network of mistakes, one goes for thirteen years.” According to the habit of modern Chinese, it seems that Tao Yuanming’s mistakenly entered the dust net for thirteen years. in fact
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