
来源 :中国烟草 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zw840909
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低磷营养通常导致叶片中淀粉积累的增加。本研究的目的是要确定,从缺乏到超过最适量的磷营养怎样影响植株的生长、发育和植株叶片内的非结构碳水化合物的积累。烟草植株(红花烟草 KY14和 G28及黄花烟草 Pumila)在温室内生长,盆内土壤包含六个(试验一)或七个(试验二)磷养分水平(P1~P7,变幅为0~2150kg/ha)。随着磷水平升到 P4,烟株生长加快,而到 P3(134kgP/ha)或 P4(269kgP/ha)时,烟叶中磷的含量大致保持稳定,超过 P4则植株生长稳定而叶片中磷含量继续增加。在高磷营养条件下,增加的叶片磷不影响非结构碳水化合物的积累。低于 P4时光合能力降低,但不如生长发育降低得多。叶片中蔗糖含量不受供磷水平的影响。淀粉含量受供磷水平的影响因栽培品种而异。对于 G28和 Pumila,低供磷水平会导致淀粉积累的减少,而 KY14,低供磷水平导致淀粉积累的增加。二磷酸腺苷葡萄糖(ADPG)、焦磷酸化酶活性与淀粉积累无关。所有(试验用)遗传型的烟草,从 P1到 P4总糖的积累都增加。结果表明,低磷营养不一定导致烟草淀粉积累的增加,更确切地说,这种作用依赖于烟草的栽培品种或种类。 Low phosphorus nutrition usually results in an increase in starch accumulation in the leaves. The purpose of this study was to determine how, from lacking to more than the optimum amount of phosphorus nutrition, affected plant growth, development, and accumulation of unstructured carbohydrates in plant leaves. Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum KY14 and G28 and Nicotiana tabacum Pumila) were grown in the greenhouse with six (trial one) or seven (trial two) phosphorus nutrient levels (P1-P7, amplitude ranging from 0 to 2150 kg / ha). With the increase of phosphorus level to P4, the tobacco plants grew faster. At P3 (134kgP / ha) or P4 (269kgP / ha), the content of phosphorus in the tobacco leaves remained stable. When the phosphorus level increased to P4, the plant growth was stable and the phosphorus content Continue growing. Under high P nutrient conditions, increasing leaf phosphorus did not affect the accumulation of unstructured carbohydrates. Below P4, photosynthetic capacity decreased, but not as much as growth and development. Sucrose content in leaves is unaffected by the level of phosphorus supply. The starch content is affected by the level of phosphorus supply varies with cultivars. For G28 and Pumila, low phosphorus levels resulted in a decrease in starch accumulation, whereas KY14, low phosphorus levels resulted in an increase in starch accumulation. Adenosine diphosphate glucose (ADPG), pyrophosphorylase activity has nothing to do with starch accumulation. All (experimental) genotypes of tobacco increased from P1 to P4 total sugar accumulation. The results show that low phosphorus nutrition does not necessarily lead to an increase in tobacco starch accumulation, but rather, that effect depends on the variety or species of tobacco.
目的:探讨β-catenin和DKK-3蛋白在宫颈鳞癌中的表达及相关性。方法:采用免疫组织化学方法 (SP法)检测20例正常宫颈组织、36例宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)及72例宫颈鳞癌组织中β-ca