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为了认真做好深入学习实践科学发展观活动的整改工作,切实提高新闻出版总署机关和直属单位的工作水平,推进机关工作的规范化、制度化和科学化,新闻出版总署决定,从2009年4月开始,在全署开展以提高办文质量、提高办事效率、提高依法行政能力为主要内容的“三提高”活动。经过几个月的实践,活动取得了较好效果,为加强中央国家机关建设提供了新经验。本刊记者就此采访了国家新闻出版总署党组书记、署长柳斌杰。 In order to conscientiously do a good job of rectifying and studying the activities of deepening the study and practice of the scientific concept of development, and earnestly improving the working standards of the organs of press and publication administration and its subordinate units, and promoting the standardization, institutionalization and scientification of the work of the organs, the Press and Publication Administration decided that from 2009 Starting from April, the “Three Improvements” campaign with the main content of improving the quality of the documents, improving the efficiency of administration and enhancing the ability to administer the country according to law was carried out in the entire department. After several months of practice, the activities achieved good results and provided new experiences for strengthening the construction of central state organs. This reporter interviewed the State Press and Publication Administration party secretary, director Liu Binjie.
应用微型计算机计算电弧炉炼钢的热平衡,绘制出冷装氧化法炼钢的配电曲线,经过试验,该配电曲线既能节电,又能缩短冶炼时间。 Microcomputer was used to calculate the ther
Three methods for simulating low dose rate irradiation are presented and experimentally verified by using 0.18 μm CMOS transistors.The results show that it is
Silicon materials compensated by deep level impurities such as nickel and gold have negative temperature coefficient (NTC) characteristics. In this work, n-type