An analysis of first-time and repeat visitors to Korean national parks from 2007 and 2013

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiufeng115
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This paper examined visitors to Bukhansan National Park in Korea based on first-time and repeat visitation. Bukhansan National Park is Korea’s most heavily visited national park with annual visitation of six million visitors in 2015. Data used in this article were collected on-site in the park in 2007 and 2013 by the Korea National Park Service(KNPS).The study variables included socio-demographics,travel behavior, motivation, and satisfaction with park attributes, services and facilities. Data were analyzed by each study year for first-time and repeat visitors.Results showed significant differences for both firsttime and repeat visitors on several socio-demographic,travel behavior, and motivation variables within each study year. For satisfaction with park attributes,facilities and services, first-time visitors were significantly different from repeat visitors on seven variables for both years. Implications are given regarding programs and services to improve visitor satisfaction and sustain the natural, cultural and historical resources at Bukhansan National Park and other national parks in Korea. Future research suggestions are provided to learn more about visitor characteristics, standards of quality and preferences in the national parks. This papermatically viewed visitors to Bukhansan National Park in Korea based on first-time and repeat visitation. Bukhansan National Park is Korea’s most heavily visited national park with annual visitation of six million visitors in 2015. Data used in this article were collected on-site in the park in 2007 and 2013 by the Korea National Park Service (KNPS). The study variables included socio-demographics, travel behavior, motivation, and satisfaction with park attributes, services and facilities. Data were analyzed by each study year for first-time and repeat visitors. Results showed significant differences for both firsttime and repeat visitors on several socio-demographic, travel behavior, and motivation variables within each study year. visitors on seven variables for both years. Implications are received regarding programs and services to improve visitor satisfaction and s ustain the natural, cultural and historical resources at Bukhansan National Park and other national parks in Korea. Future research suggestions are provided to learn more about visitor characteristics, standards of quality and preferences in the national parks.
目的:研究雌二醇(Estradiol,Est)对心室肌细胞动作电位(AP)、内向整流钾通道电流(I_(K1))及延迟整流钾通道电流(I_K)的影响。方法:全细胞膜片箝技术。结果:EST 10μmol·L~(-