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屡干屡赔,流落西安街头 20多年前,我没有想过要成为百万富姐,有一个和睦的家庭是我的奢望。然而在我15岁时,父亲进了监狱,我的世界旋即黑暗了,命运从此将我推向了深渊。由于全家的生活无法维持,有时连酱油都买不起,品学兼优的我只好辍学。那时,我单薄的身子干着男人一样的重体力活。 Repeatedly and repeatedly pay, living in Xi’an streets more than 20 years ago, I never thought to become million rich sister, a harmonious family is my luxury. However, when I was 15 years old, my father went to jail and my world was getting dark. Fate pushed me to the abyss. As the family’s life can not be maintained, sometimes even the soy sauce can not afford, good character and I had to drop out of school. At that time, I was a thin body to do the same man’s heavy physical activity.
ZnS:Mn thin films are grown on GaN substrates by pulsed laser deposition.The structure,morphology and optical properties are investigated by x-ray diffraction,s
Monolayer and bilayer graphenes have generated tremendous excitement as the potentially useful electronic materials due to their unique features.We report on mo
The resonant excitation is used to generate photo-excited carriers in quantum wells to observe the process of the carriers transportation by comparing the photo
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The effects of indium composition in InGaAs interlayer on morphology of GaSb/InGaAs quantum dots(QDs)and on optical properties of GaSb/fnGaAs QD material system